Hello there!
Firstly thank you so much for your messages of comfort and support - both public and private - following my last post. What can I say? You are all so very lovely. And as promised, I am steering clear of the maudlin, and opting only for the positive For this post at least. I can't promise that a touch of maudlin may creep back at some stage.
My computer smells of gin and rose tonic. I knocked a glass of it all over it last week, and up until now the keys have been sticking horribly. Thankfully, it seems to have sorted itself out. It's just as well because while eating tea, Alf informed me that he needed to borrow it to complete the Drama coursework that's due in tomorrow. "How much do you have left to do?" I asked. "Oh not much." he replied. "I'll probably pull an all-nighter." He won't be, but frankly I didn't have the strength to argue the toss with him straightaway. Instead I went to the Co-Op and bought a four pack of Crunchies, and a big bag of crisps. I may be feeling better, but my eating habits are still very much at rock bottom. Plus I reckon I'll use the calories up in the stressful stand off that we'll be having at some point this evening.
The top picture of my usual random collage, is part of the outfit that I wore to a recent job interview at my local Seasalt branch last week. They were advertising for a part time sales assistant, and although I may not be working at the moment, the loss of a monthly wage has made itself felt. When Marc read my personal statement, he thought I was too flippant. I panicked because I'd already handed it in. Anyway they obviously thought that my boast about excellent tea making abilities was enough to secure an interview. And the job! I'm so pleased. A permanent part time job in St Ives is pretty hard to come by. It's mostly seasonal work here, as you can imagine. And I've kind of been put off the whole cleaning for a living thing. I start next week. I will be clothed by them. I need to learn how to apply make up.
I have also had a site meeting with the planning officer at The Wink this week, and am delighted to say that it is now all systems go. We have had to tweak and make a few changes, but in hindsight they may be for the best. I am now researching shepherds huts in earnest. I've an image of a yellow one - who I shall call Doris - situated in her own private garden, along with an outside eating area and views to die for. I'm also thinking of painting the front door of The Wink pink, but haven't plucked up the courage to inform Marc.
My Dad has been in hospital with pneumonia and sepsis, but I was able to speak to him today, and if all goes well he should be discharged from hospital tomorrow. His white blood cell count was low, and as he has had cancer they were doing other tests just in case. I am very relieved and hope to get up to Bristol soon to visit him. My sister tells me that he was moaning about all and sundry, so I'm taking that to mean that he's well on the way to recovery. He will still have to rest and take it very easy, which won't come easy to him. But my sister and brother will be there to put him straight. As my brother said "He can sod off if he thinks he's going dancing and the supermarket. I'm hiding his car keys!"
Alf asked my advice on the best way to ask out a girl. I was rather put on the back foot. I think I was only ever asked out three times in my life. I wasn't the asking out kind apparently. I suggested that he ask her if she'd like to go to the cinema, and then go to the arcade on the harbour, a crepe from Pels and a wander around the Island. I told him that it was better to have a bit of a date plan to offset the nerves. I hope that she says yes. He's dead handsome, and I think he'd treat any girl he took a fancy to like a Queen. I think a girlfriend would really sort Alf out to be honest, in ways that I'm not at all ready to acknowledge anywhere but here.
I have sparrows, blackbirds and a wren nesting in the garden this year. It's all very busy. I've also put up more bird feeders, and there is lots of activity throughout the day. It's a lovely way in which to waste a little time. The goldfinches in particular delight me. They squabble amongst themselves so. We have been visited by holly blues, orange tips and a couple of white butterflies too. No photos; my eyesight has really deteriorated over the past year, and it takes me longer to spot them and point and press the camera. I have to settle for just enjoying them instead. Hopefully I worry about my eyes. They are very poor quality, and I wonder how bad they need to get before one is classed as legally blind.
Sam asked me whether we had at Swiss ancestry the other day. Apparently they give you citizenship if you do. Is this true? I told him we were pure mudblood. He seemed disappointed. There's a smidgen of Welsh on my Dad's side, and a little West Country on my Mum's. Marc's family all hail from here. I was going to lie and tell him that we came from somewhere really exotic. But in the end I settled for the truth. He needs to know his place in the world. Do any of you have exotic ancestry?
Leanne xx
Congratulations on the job. I hope you now get a discount!! Good luck with the all nighter. Nothing quite like a teenage boy, for last minute coursework. I don't know if my roots are exotic, see what you think...polish/austrohungarian/ Russia/Jewish/Welsh/south African/ um...Baptist(!) Xx
ReplyDeleteYou’ll love Seasalt, a brilliant job and just think of the discounts you’ll get. Definitely pink for the Wink. We’ve got a little cottage near us with a shocking pink front door. It looks fabulous.
ReplyDeleteGood luck with tonight’s 'All nighter' that takes me back. I’ve done a few of those in my time. Hope all goes well with the 'asking out', fingers crossed on a good outcome for Alf.
Glad you’re sounding more positive. B x
Congratulations on the new job and I'm glad it's all systems go with The Wink - I can't wait to see Doris and the pink front door! xx
ReplyDeleteMany congratulations on the new job (as one door closes and all that) As a porky woman I love Seasalt and their artist tunic style (hides a multitude of sins and suggests that I have the sort of creativity I actually lack....) and I hope you will be very happy there. Great news about The Wink too. May the sun continue to shine on you.
ReplyDeleteWhoop whoop on the job front. Presumably you get discounts on their clothes too? Love sea salt. Fingers crossed for the wink and Doris. Doors are opening already, no? Good old Alf. How lovely that he asked your advice. Has running started again yet? Much love chick xx
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on the job, that's great news. I imagine your personal statement was utterly charming and the very essence of you and that that's why they hired you at once. They are lucky to have you. Love the pink door idea. Probably best to present the other half with a fait accomplit with something like that though. Love that Alfie asked your advice re asking out a girl. I can't imagine mine ever talking to me about something like that. Have a good weekend, and watch where you're sloshing the gin. Reading your post I fear I have rather been left behind in life with talk of rose tonic and personal statements. You are so fancy! CJ xx
ReplyDeleteWell done with the job and hope all goes well for you Leanne. Having caught up with your last post I wanted to send you a big virtual hug. I've lived with depression for most of my adult life since having my eldest who is now 30 (but we're not allowed to talk about that-his words not mine lol) These days I acknowledge the fact that Evil Edna (euphemism for depression so the kids didn't know what we were referring to) is part of me but she does not own me and sometimes when she kicks me down hard I kick back twice as had and tell her where to go. Doesn't always work which is partly why I disappeared from blogging for a while and I do get cross with myself when i look at the house I live in the place I live the lives how my kids have turned out. They do tell me that if I didn't have anything to worry about I would worry about the fact I don't have anything to worry about which is probably very true. I can't wait to read all your news about The Wink its such a beautiful house and I'm sure you are going to be very happy there. I don't let D read any of my applications for things, I think he's a bit of a frustrated teacher who has in the past corrected the spellings of teachers when they have written on the kids homework in red pen. He'd only change everything and put in big words which aren't always necessary and most normal human beings don't know what they mean. Keep your chin up.
Hi Leanne, that's great news about the job - well done! And about The Wink, Doris, pink door (go for it) and all. My boys (18 and 16) both have lovely, independent, go-get-em, feisty girlfriends who are an absolute pleasure to have around, thank goodness! I'll keep my fingers crossed for Alf (it has mellowed and chilled my two immeasurably). How's your dad? I hope he makes a good recovery and is back home asap. As for your eyes, have you been to see an ophthalmologist? Do go for a thorough check if you haven't (and are worried).
ReplyDeleteNo exotic ancestry here. My parents are from Birmingham (proper Black Country) and Cheshire (with a bit of Scottish in there) and David's are from Liverpool and Lancashire - thoroughly north-west. As far as we know anyway!
Good to hear about the birds and butterflies in your garden – such a lovely distraction. Have a good weekend, S xx
Fantastic news Leanne, I am so pleased for you. Imaging wearing all those lovely Seasalt clothes all day long! You will be amazing, I know you will be. I hope Alfie got his paper in in time. Teenagers. Mine is currently out getting wasted, it was his last day of school ever (still exams to sit)... I am worried that he'll do something really stupid but hopeful that he may not. A pink door is a must. I'd just paint it, no consent needed for this kind of thing. I had a pink kitchen, it was fab! That was before we rebuilt the back of the house. I am wishing your dad a speedy recovery, so he can go dancing soon.
ReplyDeleteAs a trustworthy Swiss citizen, my answer to your second last question is probably no. My bloke can't easily apply for citizenship for example, too many conditions to fulfil. He can on the other hand apply for Italian citizenship by virtue of being married to me. I also have Italian citizenship, I am a lucky woman (although neither are going to be very useful next year!). The Italians seem pretty chilled in that respect actually. No interesting ancestry in my family, just plain old Swiss with a bit of Italian sprinkled on.
Have a wonderful weekend. Good luck with your first day at work next week! xx
oooh looks like a trip to Seasalt St Ives is in order soon - well done you for getting on with it all xx
ReplyDeleteWell done on the job - I love Seasalt clothes. You might get discount too if you work there. I'm very happy you plan to name your shepherds' hut after me too! I so hope your Wink plan goes ahead. By the way I read your last post and am sorry things went wrong with the cleaning business. I did write a long reply but the ipad helpfully wiped it. I know what you mean about blogging too - my husband says I'm much chattier on here than in real life where I am prone to grumpiness.
ReplyDeleteExotic ancestry, eh? Half English, half Welsh is as spicy as it gets for me. Bill is Scottish but obviously we live in 'the Garden of England' (I managed to persuade him down south many years ago) and, much to his dismay, his sons both speak with English accents...
ReplyDeleteI just love your writing! The shepherd's hut, the all-nighter, the multipack of Crunchies, the flipancy on the personal statement... Oh, the whole lot! Quite honestly, you make me feel as though I should pick up a pen and write, too - I feel inspired ��
Enjoy your job and many congratulations to you for winning it! If I lived closer, I'd nip along and buy a dress from you - the shallot dress, in blue, of course!
Congratulations on the job xxx
ReplyDeleteBrilliant job! Why do you need to apply make up? Bev
ReplyDeleteWhat a great boost to your confidence, well deserved I say! Just be careful not to spend all your wages in that beautiful shop though...
ReplyDeleteCongrats! We were in the St Ives Seasalt shop just last week - on holiday - made a quick exit though due to our accompanying 2 & 4yr old granddaughters touching things!! What a lovely job you've landed.
ReplyDeleteI'm just catching up, Leanne, and glad to see you're doing well. Congratulations on your job! How exciting. Eventually, when I go back to work, I'd like to work either in a nice store or a school, as a secretary. I used to be a teacher but I don't want to go back to that. I'd like a job I can leave at night when I go home. I'm sure you'll be great at your job. Have you ever seen "This is Spinal Tap"? You can be like the scene at the end when Nigel Tufnel discusses his alternate career in "freelance selling." I'm a mutt, ethnically. I like to joke about how I grew up being sworn at in four different languages. :)
ReplyDeleteBelas imagens. Lindas flores. Feliz semana.
ReplyDeleteWell done on getting the job by why on earth do you have to wear make up, how disgusting. Swiss ancestry here but very happily a Brit, Swiss far too right wing.
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely blog, so much to read, intelligently written and highly readable, I am so glad I found you, via 'Down by the Sea'. I am making an effort to find new and interesting blogs to read, in an effort to make my own small and not very interesting blog more noticeable, and although it had seven readers on one post recently, not a one left a comment. Don't know why, but feel let down, stupidly.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the new job, I buy their stuff online occasionally, and have had gifts bought for me from them, mostly a friend who can get to the physical shop.
A yellow shepherd's hut, how wonderful, and calling it Doris seems right somehow, for such a thing. My best friend is called Doris, she is Swiss.
Good luck with the job.
I love what you guys are up too. This type of clever work and coverage!
ReplyDeleteKeep up the very good works guys I've added you guys to blogroll.
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