Thursday, 8 September 2016

New Term

Yesterday I paid a visit to the smallest room, and as I turned to avail myself of the facilities, I was confronted by a rather sad looking cardboard tube sparsely decorated with tissue. I sat there muttering under my breath, and then yelled. Loudly. After a short while, the door opened a fraction of an inch, and an arm thrust itself through proffering a full roll of the finest white two ply.

That, my friends, has been a recurring theme around here for the past few months. And it has driven me absolutely mad. Ditto damp towels on the floor, tea spillages up the stairs, a wanton disregard for washing up, a laundry pile that would make a professional weep and sky high food bills.

But just like that, it's all over. Today saw Sam back to Uni, and Alf and Olly back to school. I couldn't believe the quiet. I couldn't believe the tidy. I couldn't get over the fact that my cupboards stand a good chance of not being bare thirty seconds after the weekly food shop. I drank a cup of tea in silence. And it was bliss. My mind hopped, skipped and jumped around sabbatical memories. And there are some corkers. We have been a full and busy house this summer. And sometimes it has been hard work. But it has also been flipping marvellous.

Knowing me as you do by now, you'll be pleased to hear that the house has been ship shaped and shiny'd. The anti bac wipes and spray with bleach has been put to good use. Nothing has escaped the purge. And this anal retentive girl feels calm and replete once more.

Onwards and upwards then. Back to normal once more.

It's so good to be back.

Leanne xx


  1. It's good to have you back xxx

  2. It's so good to have you back my friend! Your photos are gorgeous, I'm drinking them in. I'm looking forward to attacking my house with bleach, mop and bucket tomorrow morning. Little things, eh? Xx

  3. Hi just found your blog.I live in Cornwall too.What would I do without that wonderful ocean to calm me in stressful times.Sounds like you had a Great Summer.Love the pics.

    1. Hello! Yes summer was pretty good in St Ives this year.
      L xx

  4. Lovely to see you back, Leanne; I have missed your posts over the summer. I think we've all experienced the empty loo roll problem - I'm convinced that I am the only one who ever changes them in our house. I did have a few days last week when E was visiting L in Oxford. I blitzed the house and, amazingly, it stayed tidy ............ I hated it! I shall have to get used to it soon though when she goes off to uni :( Love the photos - especially Olly's expression in the rubber ring! xx

  5. Hey lady, it's nice to see you. I love your photos. The one looking down the path between houses, it's like it came right from my fantasies of the place you live in. I'm glad to hear you're getting back to normal after the summer. You seem in very good spirits and that makes me happy too.

  6. Hello Leanne! Great to see you again! Yes, it's been a brilliant summer - love your photos as always - but time to return to normality. Son no. 1 goes back to uni on Saturday and Son no. 2 starts on the 25th. I shall be bereft but, by God, I'll have a clean and tidy house in which I can sob despairingly..! Xx

  7. Heehee, enjoying the peace. Sounds like you had a wonderful holiday xx

  8. Welcome back, you've been missed. Sounds like a great summer, but oh the bliss of silence.

  9. Oh Leanne, it looks so idyllic where you live. I have hedges and fields but sigh I need the sea. I'm going to make Mike take me Sunday morning - I'm putting my foot down! No cleaning for me. Nice to see you back x

  10. We've missed you;although Instagram does help! Yep I know that loo roll feeling and the empty cupboards just after they have been stocked. We love the madness of everyone home, but isn't silence good....for a while. Fab photos as always. Enjoy you new term Leanne. B xx

  11. I had such a rant at my 22-year-old yesterday about not replacing the loo roll. And he recorded me and played it back and we fell about laughing. My boy is home after three years at university (he didn't come home much between second and third years as they continued renting the same house) and today is day four of learning to live together again. I was in Cornwall last week and it rained and the sea mist rolled in and the wet fish shop had closed and been taken over by another "nice things" shop and our cottage was connected to the Internet. But the scenery was marvellous, we swam in a very cold and grey sea and we walked - lots.

  12. Welcome back. I do sympathise with the toilet paper situation, we're a household of adults and it still happens here, drives me nuts. I love having a full house but that tidiness and calm after all the hustle and bustle is great too, enjoy!

  13. You are back! Best news of the day. Glad you had a marvellous summer Leanne. xxx

  14. And the garden is looking smashing too! Welcome back.

  15. Ooh, lovely to have you back! House is looking splendid! And wonderful sea pictures too! Second day with no kids at home here, I feel slightly bereft...XX

  16. Grinning broadly here – fab photos and funny words. Good to hear all is ship-shape and shiny chez Leanne. There's a lot of wanton disregard in this household too. Xx

  17. OH!!!! You live in a magical place! I LOVE the street view, the stones,and sand and flowers AND your home so post-summer in its peacefulness.

  18. Isn't it wonderful when things get back to normal xxx

  19. Isn't it wonderful when things get back to normal xxx

  20. How nice to have you back and to see little snippets into your home and garden. Hope you had a magnificent summer and look forward to more posts soon. As much as I enjoyed the holidays I really like the return to a routine.

  21. Welcome back, it's nice to see a post form you again! Olly looks as if he has grown over the summer. Your home looks beautiful and well ordered again! Sarah x

  22. I've missed your blog photos, although it's been good to see them on IG. Looking forward to reading your posts again :) xx

  23. I've been catching up on your blog today, and so pleased to see you're lovely photos...I'm working backwards, does that make sense? We didn't make it to St Ives, but ended up in Norfolk instead. Huge beaches and lots of sky. Still craving the Cornish sea air though. Your posts always make me feel I'm back there.x

  24. I am so glad I've located your blog again, Leanne! I used to read it regularly and sometimes commented, but I couldn't remember the title and although I knew your name (Leanne) I couldn't find it when I Googled it. But I have found it now, and have loved reading this post. Hope you are well and will remain so during these difficult times.
    All good wishes from Torbay,
    Margaret P

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