Tuesday, 3 March 2015

The Year In Books 2015 - March

Sometimes I decide to read a book, and then it just gets left and I read other things instead. That's what happened in February. I started my nominated book on Saturday. Needless to say I didn't finish it, although I am now half way through and enjoying it. The above shows some of the books that I did read. I also read 'Pigs In Heaven' by Barbara Kingsolver and 'The Apple Orchard' by Susan Wiggs, on my Kindle.

On the whole I enjoyed my February reads, apart from 'The Apple Orchard.' This was my book group choice. It wasn't for me. Too frothy. Too contrived. Too sentimental. I think I most enjoyed Viv Albertine's auto-biography 'Clothes, Music, Boys.' For any of you that don't know, Albertine was the guitarist in the 70's punk band The Slits. I feel a real nostalgia for all things seventies, even though I was only a young girl at the time of punk. I find the social history of Britain at that time fascinating. Albertine was part of an exciting movement that swept across the UK during a decade of huge unheaval and change for the country. It was perfect reading for me.

This month I have several books to choose from. I shall endeavour to finish February's read, and last night I downloaded 'The Miniaturist' by Jessie Burton and 'Elizabeth Is Missing' by Emma Healey. I've also started 'Confessions Of A Sociopath' by M E Thomas.

Linking up with Laura and her wonderful series.

Leanne xx


  1. Hello, I read endlessly, but, never outgrown what I read and any thoughts I had....I think I must make a regular blog post about it....I have a kindle but rarely use it for books, much preferring the real thing from my library!! Happy reading Leanne xx

  2. I was a baby in the 70's but I would love to read that book. I enjoy that era too. I love anything from the past, really. I have a Nook e-reader and I'm afraid of it. My son and husband can't get enough of it, though.

  3. I have read this very interesting book
    Extremely Loud and Incredibly close by Jonathan_Safran_Foer

    An amazing story of how a young Autistic Boy tries to keep his fathers memory alive after 7/11.
    I think you might enjoy it

    1. I shall definitely look that one up Linda. Thanks for the suggestion xx

  4. I used to read all the time, and have lost that, working on getting it back. I'll be interested to see how you find the Miniaturist and Elizabeth is missing as they are both on my list of books to read :)

  5. I'm impressed at how many books you get through. If they don't grab me, mine sit around for weeks. I don't know why, I used to read and read and read. Time I s'pose. Must work on it, reading is an excellent thing. CJ xx

  6. Hi Leanne. I like Elizabeth is missing. It left me quite disturbed actually. The fear of dementia is haunting me. I used to work with an (undiagnosed) socio/psychopath. Not fun! I shall add this book to my reading list, it sounds interesting, particularly because it is not written by a researcher but by the actual sociopath herself. Happy reading! Christina

    P.S. I DID like the MaddAdam trilogy, I just found the last book a little lame. I enjoyed the 2nd one most but the 1st grew on my, on reflection. Poor old Jimmy!

  7. Hey lady :o) D'you think Barbara Kingsolver is a made up name? I bet it is. I am stuck on all things tudor at the mo, although I am also reading CJ Sansom's winter in Madrid, which is ace should you need another recommendation, but then I love all his books xx

  8. I am trying so hard to stick to reading one thing at a time and actually reading it, but it seems to be slow going! Must make more time to read!! xx

  9. I've heard mixed reviews on the Miniaturist but still have it sitting on my wish list for now. I definitely want to read Elizabeth is Missing and it is creeping up the pile.

  10. Lately I seem to be reading books half way, only to abandom them for another. Must be some kind of restlessness. Have you read The Luminaries? I read Catton's unusual debut, which I quite enjoyed. xxx

  11. I have heard about Viv Albertines book, must add it to my list. Very much my era, I remember how everyone was shocked by The Slits :)

  12. God you're good. I've been reading the same book for weeks now. Do you make time to read? I only seem to read in bed at night for ten minutes...I guess that's why I'm so slow! xx

    1. Aaah but you are busy with crafty loveliness. I just go to bed really early.
      Leanne xx
