It occurred to me today that if I won the lottery, my first purchase would be bath towels. The kind you might find in a very posh hotel. Thick and luxurious, they would wrap around my goodly frame. My towels have seen better days. Yes they are soft and absorbent. But they are also starting to fray a little and have lots of pulled threads from being popped into little mouths. They look rather threadbare hanging over the towel rail.
The same could be said for my underwear. Oh to be like Madonna and have more fancy pants than you could shake a stick at. Since having kids, I have lost all interest in pretty knickers. Actually that's not strictly true. I often wander around M&S and gaze longingly at their matching separates. I buy their five packs. Black. Plain. Midis. Boring.
After new towels and fancy pants, I think I'd like to buy the house that overlooks Clodgy Point. Whoever owns it is rarely there, which I think is a travesty. I'd knock on the door. "Name your price," I'd say. "This house needs to be lived in!" Once installed, I'd position all my furniture so that it would be looking out. I'd buy some binoculors (the best. I'm loaded remember), and watch the world go by. I would never tire of such a glorious view.
I walked to Clodgy Point earlier in the week. St Ives had the wind in its' sails, and I wanted to see the waves. They were huge and foamy. Swirling around the rocks and crashing up onto the headland. I stood with my hood up, my scarf blowing out at a right angle and felt myself return to a calmer space. The fuzz subsided, and my headache was soothed. The sea sent spray high into the air and created rainbows in its' midst. I could taste the salt on my lips as I made my way towards Porthmeor and home.
I'm not sure I could be trusted if I won the lottery to be honest. When Marc and I have the ubiquitous lottery conversation, he invariably tells me that I'd probably give most of it away. I just think that as long as I have nice towels and pants, and a great view, there wouldn't be much need for anything else.
Leanne xx
I couldn't agree more xx
ReplyDeleteSigh... M&S midis... comfort first for me. I don't think they're bad aspirations, very similar to my own xx
ReplyDeleteVery British if I may say so, it doesn't take much to make us happy. Love these wave photos, did you have a super high tide earlier in the week? x
ReplyDeleteIt sounds good to me. I haven't bought new underwear in two years. It's just one of the many reasons I hope to never be hit by a car. :)
ReplyDeletegreat aspirations. x
ReplyDeleteEntirely sensible suggestions, new bath towels & pants! My underwear drawer & towel collection match! As in old, drab & mismatched. Just think my dear one day you could be dressed in posh pants, wrapped in a thick towel gazing at a wonderful view xx
ReplyDeleteCor! the windswept not the knickers mind you, though fancy pants would be kind of lovely. x
ReplyDeleteFab photos, I can almost hear the waves crashing on the rocks, lovely post too :)
ReplyDeleteOh what an amazing spot. It's made me breathe deeply just looking at pictures of that view. As you say, such a shame no-one lives in that house full-time. I am recommending Swarovski binoculars, they're fantastic. I tried some out the other day and it's completely spoiled me for all other binoculars. If I win the lottery before you I shall send you a pair. And some good pants. CJ xx
ReplyDeleteHi Leanne. I recently discovered the full brief.... shocking isn't it? I like to stroke towels in posh shops. I really do. Sometimes I bury my nose in them, too. If the view on your photos is the view from the house you are going to buy (with a bit of luck), can I please visit for a day or two? Have a lovely weekend. Christina xx
ReplyDeleteI love having these conversations. We don't really want for much in the western world do we? Towels would be on my list too. I would add someone to come in and wash and blow dry my hair every few days, how luxurious. And amazing linen on the beds would be nice too wouldn't it.... I'm with Christina on the full brief. Have a great weekend! x
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful view, I am so jealous of you being able to get there just for a quick visit-it would take many, many hours for us!
ReplyDeleteWe have had this conversation often, we have narrowed our win down to a house or very large apartment in Amsterdam-there don't seem to be many full houses in the city now and D wants a Bentley with a large back seat-big enough to fit the cat baskets in so we could get the ferry over. We would be staying there for weeks, nay months at a time so obviously we would want them with us...silly I know-we have even looked at ferry crossings!
The beach photos are just lovely, transports me there, yes I agree, fancy pants, I do love pretty underwear, however these days midis are normal. Enjoy your weekendxx
ReplyDeleteBeautiful pictures. We've always said that if we won the lottery we'd buy a house in England and spend part of the year there.
ReplyDeleteI'd hire a driver and never drive again.
I'd quite happily buy the little cottage we stayed in in Boscastle, if I had the money, which I don't
ReplyDeleteI've always aspired to matching underwear. It happens infrequently! I quite fancy some 8 million thread sheets and someone to iron them daily should I win the lottery! :) Great photos xx
ReplyDeleteLast summer I went to m&s and spent about £80 on new bras and knickers. Nothing fancy but it felt great. Why are we so rubbish at buying ourselves what are really essential items??
ReplyDeleteI always said I'd buy a flint cottage in west Sussex with a walled garden and aga with a lottery win. Now we've just bought the house that's less appealing . I'd buy some seriously flash knickers though. Xx
That house sounds as though it is made just for you!! xx
ReplyDeleteI love watching the waves, the bigger the better (from a safe position of course) I get as excited as a child, I nearly jump up and down with joy :) Sadly M & S packs of black midis are my Alan Whickers of choice as well, never dress posh enough for posh undies. I would also buy a house overlooking the sea, but as I don't do the lottery I can only dream
ReplyDeleteI'd add an inglenook fireplace or two to your list - oh how I'd love an inglenook fireplace - and a private swimming pool ... and then yes, that would probably be me done too. Except that unlike you I'd need to relocate ... closer to the sea!
ReplyDeleteI would buy a few acres of ancient woodland and an acre of grass beside it to turn over to wildflower meadow. I might also buy some paintings, but other than that I don't think I would use it. Agree on the pants score- M&S floral or spotty 5 packs once a year, can't be doing with the bottom-eating ones or those so flimsy they look like you could dry them just by breathing on them :o) xx
ReplyDeleteI can almost feel the salty mist on my face when I look at those pictures, Leanne! As for your lottery winnings, you have some great ideas, It's funny that the top item on your list of ways to spend you lottery winnings is a bathroom item. Mine is as well. I would buy one of those wonderful towel heaters that I've encountered in the B&Bs in the UK. I have a cheap stand alone one, but dream of the day I can have a proper one attached to the wall, big enough to hold several towels.
ReplyDeleteIt must have been wonderful walk, I always find a walk by the sea to be so uplifting. Sarah x