Monday, 10 June 2013

Nature In The Home

The hedgerows around West Cornwall are truly spectacular, with an abundance of Foxgloves this year.
Soon the council hedge cutters will be driving the back roads and strimming the hedgerows of their beauty.

There are smaller more unobstrusive plants along a walk I often take with Honey. I picked a posy and decanted them into some of my Torquay Ware when I got home. They look pretty sat next to the bed.

 Of course I looked them up in my trusty charity shop wild flowers book.

Ox Eye Daisy. Wild Mignonette. Common Fumitory.

Wild flower nerd. That's me.

Joining in with Lou and her Nature In The Home series.


  1. Very pretty. I love wildflowers, even the ones people consider to be "weeds." Your pottery is beautiful too.

  2. I've noticed as I walk around and about where we live that the wildflowers and hedgerows are abundant this year. Lots of grasses and beautiful wild flowers.

  3. Beautiful vases, that shade of blue matches the cornish sea and sky perfectly. So you have foxgloves in your hedgerows? That's it, I'm moving to St Ives. x
