Wednesday, 19 September 2018

Summer into Autumn

Well hello there!

Long time no hear, see or anything.

How are you all? I'm hoping that this finds you all fine and dandy. I've inadvertently dropped off of the blog radar. It wasn't deliberate. More a life getting in the way of sitting down and writing a coherent sentence at the end of the working day. For all of you that manage to juggle all of those plates, and still knock out a blog post. I salute you. Of course I've been ever present over on Instagram. I love it for its' holler over the garden fence interaction. It's suited me to post a picture and a line or two of text. And while I love the pictures - both posting and viewing - it's the text that I enjoy the most. I can't tell you how many times I've chuckled or been moved or felt stirred by the words that have accompanied the pictures of those I follow. I do enjoy looking at a lovingly curated square, but it's the words that really get to me.

Cornwall is hitting its' autumnal stride this week. The colours of the landscape are changing, highlighting earthy tones and textures. There are berries all along the hedgerows and footpaths. It's been a good year I think. I've gathered blackberries, sloes, hips, elderberries, apples and plums and they've become crumbles, jams and flavoured liquor. It's been a rare treat to squirrel myself away in the kitchen to concoct and create, and I've enjoyed it all very much. I'm looking forward to soups and stews next, although the weather here is still very mild. We've been able to visit the beach and sit in the sunshine, or paddle and swim in the sea. I've embraced my cossie like never before this summer, and have felt a sort of liberation at running down to the sea with my lily white backside on show for all who care to look. Of course, no one is actually looking at this middle aged woman in her black one piece. And it has been truly wonderful to swim in the surf, or lazily bob about in the clear waters. And Olly has loved having me there too. There's been a lot of fun to be had for an eight year old, and his devil may care Mum.

The sun is sitting a little lower in the sky, and this creates and different feel and hue to the day. The colours are softer and more golden. The shadows are longer. There is a sense of nature slowing down all around me. Apart from the insects, who are all having their last hurrah on the ivy flowers before cooler temperatures gather them into their hives and cubby holes. For some it heralds the end of their industrious lives. For others it brings a pause in the proceedings until next year. But for now there is still that ever present hum as I walk from a to b. I shall miss it when it stops.

There is some news from here.

Olly's hamster, Zeus sadly died last week. I had to break the news after school. He'd had a red card, so it was a double whammy for him. He was inconsolable for about forty minutes, but then managed to eat a gingerbread dinosaur and ask when we were likely to get a puppy . Honey's health has deteriorated this summer. She has become almost completely deaf, and has developed cataracts in both eyes. Her heart condition has scuppered any chance of an operation to remove them. But she seems happy and contented, and is taken out for a gentle sniffy walk every other day. Any more and her rheumatism plays up. She sleeps for much of the time now, and I have a real sense of her slowly fading. But she is and always will be my beautiful girl, and we have all accommodated to her changing needs.

Alfie is thriving at being at college. Yes he can still be a firebrand, but he's generally more happy and motivated. He's getting himself up without my intervention, and is out the door in plenty of time for the bus. I'm leaving all studying up to him, and am hopeful that he'll do well. Sam decided at the eleventh hour not to return to Liverpool to study for his PGCE. He will be applying to do a masters in History next year. He still intends to move back to Liverpool after Christmas, but is home for now. And a bit aimless, although I'm sure that once he finds work he'll feel better. Olly has not quite settled into year four as yet. His new teacher is great though, and I think once the initial shock of being back at school subsides, he'll have a positive year.

 As for The Wink, well it is still a work in progress. August was a waste of time in terms of potential buyers for our house, but Mr Jones is happy to wait until we sell. Everything else is ready to go. All eyes dotted and tees crossed. We just need that one person to walk though the door, and say to themselves 'I could live here.' It will happen.

And me? I'm still working at Seasalt, which is fab, but I sometimes find it hard to juggle the extra hours with life at home. My Mum has been an absolute star, and helps with child care and general duties around the house; I haven't ironed for months! However, I have lately felt a real sadness over the events of earlier this year with my sudden departure from Shipshape, and am thinking of ways to try and address it. I was never one to let bad feeling slide, and feel as if I need to offer some kind of hand of reconciliation. I just don't know how. And I feel for Marc too. He has lost his sister through all of this unpleasantness. Life is too short, my friends, to let bad feeling and lack of communication blight the chance of an embrace from someone whom you still love very much.

The quieter months of Autumn and Winter, are designed to gather in, and gather round. It has always been a time for family, with hearth and home being front and centre of it all. There are the traditional celebrations and festivities that envelop families and friends. And particularly here, there are birthdays and anniversaries aplenty. It has always been a time for my family to see and do more with each other. Sunday roast get togethers, and en mass sloe picking. Curry and card nights, and trips to the cinema. Bake Off and Strictly. Long walks along Porthmeor with the dogs, wrapped up in hats and scarves and coats. New Years Eve, and too much fizz. It's with all of this in mind that I am resolved to try and heal the rift that has cut a jagged edge within my family. I need to be brave, and I need to act.

Thank you friends, for letting me process on the page once again. Clearly it was time to return.

Leanne xx


  1. Hi Leanne! It's so nice to see you. It sounds like you've been very busy. I'm glad you're enjoying the change of seasons and that the new job is basically fitting into your life. It's great that your mother is able to help out, you must appreciate her so much. I'm sorry to hear that things haven't improved with Marc's sister, but I admire your resolve to work it out with her eventually. I have been living with a similar situation regarding my husband's parents, after a very difficult turn of events earlier this summer. They have made some choices that bewilder and confuse us, and they have opted to break off relations instead of working it out and coming to a compromise. I don't know what else to do but to dust off and keep moving ahead with our own lives, which aren't perfect but are basically very good and happy, and not let their decisions or behavior drag us down. It's much easier said than done, of course, and it's been a very trying few months for my husband and me emotionally, but we have each other and our kids, and that's what matters. I hope you will have more success with your situation, but even if you don't, it's obvious that you care deeply and only want the best for everyone. Take care, my friend.

  2. I was surprised to find I hadn't visited here since April. It's been a busy summer for me and not much blog-reading at all.
    Thanks as always for your lovely words, I always feel more able to manage with your inspiration and encouragement.
    Sorry to read you been having family trouble, I hope you have begun to sort it out. So often it seems that families can miss each other for far to long, simply because no one managed to make to first move towards repair. Clearly you have lots of love between you really. Sending love and also apologies for my lack of eloquence this morning. @jessiejessyg

  3. It sounds like enough water has passed under the bridge and the time is right for rapprochement. You have a warm heart my friend, you’ll find the words. Lovely to read all your news and catch up with what the boys are doing- they all sound right on track xx

  4. Glad to hear your news. Sounds like a perfect summer with your boys. Hope your family rift heals soon so that you can get back to all those lovely family rituals. Fingers crossed your house sells quickly and give honey a hug from me. B x

  5. Love to see a post from you, Leanne. Welcome back. Your words always conjure up Cornwall for me and I'm envious of your softer Autumn - it's been miserable here and today truly awful. I'm struggling with having too much time now Kate has gone to uni and still don't seem to get round to blogging. Do try to resolve family rift - I managed to persuade my husband to call with a brother he hadn't seen for years last Christmas and everyone is happier as a result. Take care. X Doris

  6. such a beautiful post...the coastline around you is stunning whatever the weather and seasonal change...Ive been sitting here with a coffee catching up on your posts. I took a long bloggy break but this year i seem to be keeping to posting a bit more frequently... I'm kazzyloves on instagram and follow you there too. good luck with the house sale and hope feelings can be mended. And hope your lovely boys are enjoying school and college ;) x

    1. Sorry to hear about your sweet darling dog...Its sad when age comes...x

  7. A lovely treat to see a post from you Leanne. Great news that your vendor is happy to wait for you to find a buyer, I hope that happens very soon for you. It's a good time of year to sell I think. I do hope you're able to make peace with your sister-in-law. As you say, life is short, and I hope she feels the same way and that things sort themselves out. I remember you talking fondly of her, no doubt she still cares for you too. I am sending my very best wishes. And for Honey too. CJ xx

  8. So lovely this morning to see you had posted this beautiful piece of prose. My advice, for what it may be worth, is to write a letter on beautiful paper and say what you feel. If the hand of frienship is offered but not taken, then you have done all that you can do. You sound wonderfully upbeat in this post-don’t be dragged down again by someone who refuses your loving hand. Kindest thought-we’re hoping to stay at Heligan in late spring next year in the moho. Hugs🦄

  9. It's good to see a post from you, Leanne, and even better to read that things, on the whole, are going well for you and your boys. I'm sorry to read about Zeus and Honey, though. Good luck with The Wink and with resolving family matters – hopefully your sis-in-law feels the same as you and it'll just be a case of making the first move. You can do it :-) S x
    PS I love your IG posts which almost always make me smile.

  10. Keeping my fingers crossed for someone to fall in love with your house really soon! Sorry to hear about Honey. And best of luck with straightening things out with your sister in law.

  11. Good days, bad days. The initial step is the tough one but simply go for it - things can't get any worse than they are now but they could improve massively. Don't wait any longer as you just don't know what's around the corner.
    Happy times, too, though. A fair mixture in life X

  12. I wonder if your mum would consider a holiday in Glasgow - free board and meals for a bit of ironing? She sounds like a wonderful mum to have in your life. Wishing you the strength that you need to heal the rift in your family. You are kind hearted, I know you can do it. I am glad to hear life on the whole is treating you well. I hope someone falls in love with your house soon. Love the thought of you bobbing in the surf. Have a good week xxx

  13. Glad that life is going well, as for things with your SIL, can I suggest the following. Get in touch - a card perhaps? - and just say that you are sad that whatever it was that happened happened, but that you just want to put it all behind you and still have a family relationship and that you hope that she feels the same, but like you just didn't know what to do next, so perhaps you could meet up for an ice cream or a coffee and a chat and say hello and see where it takes you. You don't have to agree, you don't have to apologise or forgive anything, just move on and to a new relationship. It will take time and perhaps in time you will need to discuss it and do some apologising or forgiving or whatever, but to start with just meet and chat about the kids and see where it goes. good luck whatever you do and however it goes. Talking is the most important thing and just see where it goes with no blame or expectation. I say all this with a family falling out in my past and no idea how to get past it, but we did make a first step which hasn't been reciprocated but at least it means we know we tried and we can at least send civil birthday and Christmas cards which at least leaves the door open for the future. So just give it a go is my suggestion! Also good luck with The Wink!

  14. H Leanne, feeling the same, such a busy summer has got in the way of blogging, reading others blogs, even getting a regular post in instagram, but things are sliding into a more relaxed way of autumn life here in the nursery, which I love. Autumn is the best time of year for so many reasons. As for family rifts, a neutral card as suggested above is a good way forward. I can't speak from experience at resolution as I live daily with a huge family rift that has been very hard to deal with, even 8 years on from the initial point of implosion! I hope it works out for you all. poor honey seeing beloved waggy family member get old and deteriorate is so hard, but it sounds like she is making the most of what she can do and so are you. Take care and have a great weekend x

  15. I too have taken a step back from my blog as a busy life has taken over, Good to catch up on your news. So sorry to hear about Honey and Zeus, if must be good to have all your sons at home for a while. Take care, Sarah x

  16. How are you Leanne? Hope all is well.

  17. I'm hoping you're alright too, and just snowed under with Christmas/kids/Life with a capital L. Get on with what you have to, but remember that you have a whole bunch of people out here in the ether that care about you too, and are wishing you all the best. Take care of yourself, Linda x

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