Monday 10 December 2012

December photo project - just another manic Monday

It was the usual deal today - cleaning and clearing up after the weekend. Baking, making a train track track for Olly, feeding the wild birds, greeting Beryl and Jean and having a cuddle, picking Mum up from the train station. Oh and a couple of Christmas orders from Amazon and Not On The High Street (if you are reading this, Diet Devil, it's the place to go for gifts for your girls).
I had to get my eldest some presents for girls late this afternoon. Into town and I Should Cocoa for little chocolate gifts. It's a cliche, but the light in St Ives was particularly lovely today, especially at dusk. The tide was in and gently lapping the Harbour beach.The Christmas lights were starting to twinkle and there was a pretty pink colour pervading through the landscape. I'm sure I didn't do it justice, but I took a few quick snaps.


On evenings like these, it's easy to see why all those bright young things came to St Ives to paint. It was either that or the availability of drugs from Penzance................

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