Friday, 19 February 2016

Five On Friday

Joining in with Amy's weekly link up. And wishing it -  and Amy  -  a happy one year anniversary!
  1. The pictures above were taken yesterday on Porth Kidney Sands, at about mid-day. Olly and I were on dog walking duties, having been asked by my sister in law if we could possibly walk her three dogs. I got a few comments. You can imagine the kind of thing. But Olly and the dogs were exceptionally well-behaved. He ran around with the younger two, while I plodded with the two older ladies. I don't have a photo to share; never work with children or animals apparently.
  2. Olly has his first wobbly tooth. His two best friends have already lost one, and he was desperate not to be left behind. Do you remember your wobbly teeth? I do mine. It was all very exciting. It's like your first rite of passage into the world of the big kid. The trouble is, I don't want him to be a big kid. Like, ever. I don't want him to have a mouth full of teeth that are too big for his head. It's bad enough that his hair is growing darker by the day, and he no longer has a gorgeous halo of blonde curls. Can I press the pause button please?
  3. We watched Mary Poppins together today. I didn't realise how dreadful Dick Van Dyck's cockney accent was! And it really is quite a bizarre film. I was sure that Olly would vote with his feet, and wander off. But no, he loved it. I guess that Disney fellow really did know what he was doing. I see that the film 'Saving Mr Banks, about Disney's relationship with the author of Mary Poppins is on Netflix. I shall watch it this evening.
  4. I need some suggestions for good reads for me. I've just finished 'Spill, Simmer, Falter, Wither' by Sara Baume. It was beautiful. It's a book where seemingly nothing happens, and yet everything does. Don't bother if you like a faced paced thriller. Read it if you like Barbara Kingsolver or Annie Proulx. So if you've read something that's really captured you, please do tell. I do love a personal recommendation. No chick lit though. Or stuff about vampires, because believe me I've read them all. 
  5. Finally, me and a friend were talking about our favourite sweets as a kid. Hers were Opal Fruits (Starburst to you young pups). I admitted that when it came to sweets, anything was fair game. But I do remember mint poppets with great fondness. That and a quarter of white bon bons from Mrs Lucus, at our corner shop. What were yours?
Have a lovely weekend!
Leanne xx


  1. Oh yes, opal fruits! Do you remember spangles too? I loved them! Oh and pacers as well! Gosh, I could just do a whole long comment of sweets from my past I loved! Fruit salads! I will stop now! Glad you had a good walk and some good times with Olly! Thank you so much for joining in the anniversary of Five On Friday, I really do appreciate it so much! Have a good weekend! xx

  2. 'I Let You Go' by Clare Mackintosh is a gripping read. My husband's just finished it and it's the fastest he's ever read a book. Have you read 'Life after Life' by Kate Atkinson? Also v good. I was looking at some photos of my children when they were young and I'd forgotten how blonde my daughter was. Sigh. Sam x

    1. Thanks Sam. I've read Life After Life, but will look your other recommendation up.
      L x

  3. Lemon sherbets all the way. And also rhubarb and custards. I used to go to the sweet shop when I stayed with my friend in Westbury-on-Trym. You could get them in a litle white paper bag from the Post Office. At Christmas we had white chocolate mice from her tree. We were absolutely very very very best friends. You have sent me off down memory lane. Gorgeous photos, especially that top one. I just want to run off across that sand. Not for very long though. I just raced the littlest boy home from Beavers and I had to try really hard not to be beaten. You're right about that pause button. Hope you have a wonderful weekend. CJ xx PS, Yes Amy I do remember Spangles, had forgotten about them until now, but I did quite like them. And remember fruit flavoured Polos. Do they still do them? So much nicer than mint.

    1. Just to add, the bookshop had a wonderful display of nature writing the other day, Richard Mabey's A Brush with Nature, Meadowland, Wild Hares and Hummingbirds (about the village of Mark in Somerset), that sort of thing. I could have happily bought at least half of them, they looked wonderful. I haven't read any of them, but thought they might be something you enjoy. CJ xx

    2. Thanks CJ. I've read Meadowland. You'd enjoy that one, I think.
      L x

  4. Just read the latest in the inspector Serrailler series by Susan Hill. Always gruesome and thoroughly enjoyable. I would recommend the whole series if you haven't read any. Just started Peter Robinsons latest( he actually published it in America nearly 20 years ago) 'No cure for love' like all his books it is shaping up very well and for once it isn't an Inspector Banks series . As for sweets...aniseed balls and flying saucers were my favourite! Barbara xx

  5. Gorgeous photos as usual. Oh, losing a first tooth, such a special occasion. I hope the Tooth Fairy is well prepared. I'm not much good at book recommendations I'm afraid - I'm hopeless at remembering titles and who wrote what. If I was more organized, I'd keep a book journal but alas ..... It was chocolate limes all the way for me - and I've got several fillings to show for it! Have a great weekend. xx

  6. I must have been a strange child because I didn't like many sweets but adored chocolate (still do) but I have to say I did like Opal Fruits. As regards books I am really enjoying the one I am reading at the moment - Amy Snow by Tracy Rees and I have recently discovered Freya North and fiund her books a good read. xx

  7. My four year old is desperate to lose a tooth but terrified of the tooth fairy.Sometimes it would be nice to freezeframe these children and keep them sweet and little. Lovely pictures of the beach. I really enjoyed The Coincidence Authority by John Ironmonger. So much that I just started his most recent book. And thats set in Cornwall. Also the most recent Monica Lewinska...the title escapes me....something about pets. Sorry it has been a long halfterm.

  8. What exquisite photography. Stunning. Too many books they all swirl in my head after a while but a book that has stayed with me for years and I recommend it to anyone willing to listen is the PosionWood Bible. It's huge don't let that put you off. Or the subject matter, missionaries in Aftica. But I found it gripping. Truly good read

    1. Hello! Yes I read that a couple of years ago. I recommend it and the author to anyone who will listen.
      L xx

  9. sherbet pips. always.
    my son's blonde halo of curls grew darker and less curly.... I resist the temptation to make his add lemon juice to it to bleach it in the summer sun........

  10. Beautiful photos again.

    I have just finished Pat Barker`s most recent trilogy: Still Life, Toby`s Room and Noonday. Brilliant.

  11. I've just polished off a bag of mint Poppets that were in my secret car door stash - they're so moreish! I used to love chewing nuts and coltsfoot rock when I was little. I tend to eat chocolate these days rather than boiled sweets; I wonder when that changed? xx

  12. I recently read Bring up the bodies, Mantell. Now reading the SHetland books , Cleeve. All good stuff. :-)

  13. Lovely photos, as always. I don't have a favourite sweet, how strange. I also find the tooth fairy really creepy. Like, building a castle out of teeth? I am positively odd, I admit it. I am in two minds about the pause button, sometimes I would like to pause but sometimes I feel like fast forwarding. I guess if moving back and forwards is possible, I can always rewind :-) I listened to 'History of the rain' by Niall Williams. It is absolutely delightful. Have a restful weekend. xx

  14. The urge to keep them young is so strong, I can remember telling my daughter that I was going to recycle her one year and not let her get older.
    Your book sounded good so I went to Amazon and put it on my list.
    I just finished a Golden Age mystery, The Spiral Staircase by Edna Lina White

  15. Wish my big girl was Olly's age again -she grew up to quickly. Not sure you'd like it as the Irish vernacular is a bit strong but I just finished and enjoyed 'The Spinning Heart' by Donal Ryan. Portrayal of post crash Ireland with multiple narrators but very good. Read it in a day for bookclub last week. Will try your Sarah Baume.

  16. milk teeth, licorice pipes, cola bottles

  17. I didn't know starburst were opal fruits. Don't get me started on marathons! Beautiful sea pictures. I must admit that I looked at that pic of Olly and the first thought I had was isn't he looking older? If you like detective tales with some history thrown in then Robert Ryan's Dr Watson books are good and also CJ Sansom's Tudor ones (highly recommend him) XX

  18. Love the shots of the sandy beaches, what a great place to let kids and dogs run wild! You'd never lose sight of them! I read H is for Hawk and loved it. I love Barbara Kingsolver too, but did not enjoy her last book at all (didn't even finish it). I always loved the songs on Mary Poppins, but you're right Van Dyke's accent is terrible (he shouldn't have even bothered with one). It always bugged me too that the robin is an American robin, not a UK robin. Little boys growing up is bittersweet. My little boy is over 6 ft, but he's still loveable ... THAT never changes!

  19. More gorgeous photos. I know what you mean about the too-big teeth - Angus currently has ridiculous teeth, I don't how how worried I should be. With a massive gap between the front two as well.

    My two were obsessed with Bedknobs and Broomsticks before Christmas. I expected them to think it was silly but they were entranced. xx

  20. Oh those are wonderful pictures Leanne! Sarah x

  21. You always have me longing for the sea! Such beautiful images :)

    Sherbert Fountains, those were my favourite sweets.

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