Thursday, 24 December 2015

As Mariah Would Say

Happy Christmas Eve, you lovely lot.

The blue arsed fly running about is all but a memory at the bottom of last night's wine glass (my head). I do enjoy the 24th so very much. It's all about anticipation with an undercurrent of excitement. Even my older two are a bit bouncy about it all. Actually they are asleep, but Olly is bouncy enough for all three of them. I shall be prepping and wrapping throughout the day. I also still need to track down a red cabbage. They are like gold dust in West Cornwall apparently. We will be visiting Granny at Godrevy, with a posy of flowers and to give pause for reflection. To think of her, and of others in the family who are facing struggles of their own. And to give thanks for those who have faced difficult times, and come out the other side. I for one will be saying a private 'cheers' that my Dad is now well, and my sister in law is recovering beautifully.

We are having lasagne for tea, because it's an easy supper. And because I fancy it. I have bought some posh ice cream for pudding. I'm expecting Olly will be far too over-excited to get to sleep at a reasonable hour. The older two will be warned not to stay up too late. It will go unheeded of course, and they will slink into the living room tomorrow morning looking like death warmed up. The family are coming to us this year, and so as long as they eat their breakfast, clean their teeth and get dressed by four, they can go back to bed after present opening. I'm not one to demand their presence all day long.

I shall enjoy laying the table and making it look festive. I shall happily potter in the kitchen and hopefully all the food will be cooked to perfection. Thank the Lord for a double oven at times like these. We shall raise our glasses and pull our crackers. We will eat too much, and sit and talk and reminisce. And maybe play games; Cards Against Humanity anyone?

I shall be signing off from here and other outlets for the Christmas period. Trying to at least. But I would like to wish each and every one of you a very Merry Christmas. Thank you for visiting my blog throughout 2015. I appreciate everyone that stops by for a read, and every comment you write. You are all so very lovely.

May your acorns reap and sow in 2016.

With all my love,

Leanne xxxx


  1. Merry Christmas, Leanne. Lasagne, of the veggie sort, for supper tonight here too! Love the photo of Olly; such a cheeky smile. Enjoy your day. xx

  2. Merry Christmas gorgeous girl. I hope it's lovely and that you enjoy every moment. We always have pizza on Christmas Eve, it's so perfectly quick and easy before the onslaught of cooking which comes. I'll have fizz, John will have beer. We'll probably both be asleep by ten. :-) xx

  3. Merry Christmas to all of you! Thank you for being such a good friend, Leanne. Take care and enjoy.

  4. Merry Christmas my Cornish Chum :o) So glad everything is in order now, after reading your last comment. I am thinking I need a double oven. See you next year, chick, if not before XX

  5. Happy Christmas, Leanne. Always pleased to see a post form you. x

  6. Happy Christmas to you and your lovely family.

  7. Have a gorgeous Christmas! Thankyou for your words and photos: look forward to seeing you on the other side of it all! Xx

  8. So sorry about the red cabbage. Have a fab Christmas xo

  9. That first photo is absolutely adorable. Impossible to look at it without smiling. I love Christmas Eve too, although for a moment I thought you meant you really enjoyed your 24th glass of wine. Well done for pulling it all out of the bag, and I hope you and yours have a really wonderful time and a very happy New Year. CJ xx

  10. Merry Christmas Leanne, to you and all your family, may you have a wonderful time surrounded by family and their love x

  11. We had lasagne for our tea. It was lovely. There was no ice cream. Wishing you a wonderful Christmas, may it be jolly and happy. Enjoy the pottering and cooking (hope you found that cabbage). xx

  12. Merry xmas Leanne ,have a lovely day x

  13. Merry Christmas and a wonderful 2016 to you and yours Leanne x

  14. Ooh thank you Alexandra! I shall return the favour asap xx
