Friday, 27 March 2015

Post birthday world



The sun shone yesterday. Bright and high in the sky. On one side of town the wind blew frothed topped waves onto the shore. On the other calm waters gently lapped the beach. I got to enjoy them both. I sat and faced the sun. I people watched. I talked to two little boys - hello Arthur and Stan - who came to pet Honey. I found a pretty shell. I marvelled at the clear sharp quality of the light. The light of St Ives.

Lately I've regained some confidence in myself, and I've dared to raise my head above the parapet. I am trying new things, and making new friendships. I am taking small risks once more, and starting to walk with a spring in my step again. I don't need the kick ass strut of Beyonce. I don't want the abs of Gwen Stefanie. I'm more a Clare Grogan kind of girl. That'll do for me.

Thank you for all of my birthday messages, gifts and love. I am surrounded by the most gorgeous people. Near and far. I think my forty fifth year is going to be most excellent.

Leanne xx


  1. Hi Leanne. I missed that it was your Birthday. I am a bit out of touch with all things blog at the moment. Happy Birthday!!!! Your photos are absolutely dreamily amazing. Oh the colours of Cornwall, they do make me happy, even from a distance. I am glad you finding confidence in yourself, and a spring in your step is always good, too. Have a wonderful weekend. Christina xx

  2. Sheesh that's beautiful there, reminds me of the Devon coast. The wind yesterday was causing breakers on my local pond, so no surprise to see the sea like that!

  3. Happy birthday, my friend. I'm so glad you had a good day and that you're feeling great about life.

  4. Looks like a great place to walk, enjoyed your photos, glad to hear you're getting a spring in your step.

  5. I see myself in every place you photograph. But, you photograph them more beautifully. Happy days,happy steps,happy parapet,happy POT! X

  6. Happy Happy Birthday. Glad you had such a lovely day down at the beach. I didn't know you had a Cavie. I have four for my sins one of each colour. My ruby is called Rufus and he is a bit of a minx where as your Honey looks very laid back and relaxed.


  7. Fantastic, I'm so happy that you're feeling positive. I need to stick my head above the parapet a bit as well, I shall follow your excellent example. I'm glad you had a good birthday, and a lovely day in St Ives, your photos are beautiful. You've made me wish for a week by the sea. Have a lovely weekend Leanne, CJ xx

  8. Belated birthday greetings!
    Margaret P

  9. Gorgeous photos and happy belated birthday, I haven't had a chance to get here for a few days. It's not always easy to stick your head above the parapet, I didn't find it easy at all but it changed my life in such a positive and amazing way. Have a great weekend x

  10. Gorgeous photos - and gorgeous beaches. You are lucky to have them on your doorstep. Wishing you a happy weekend. x

  11. Oh No! I missed your birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR FRIEND!

    Loved all the pictures- keep 'em coming. What with you and Poldark I feel I am getting a good dose of Cornwall at the mo. Also getting a good dose of handsome celtic-types with their shirts off, which doesn't hurt much, does it? :o) xxx

  12. I agree, Clare Grogan was awesome then and still is - now in her 50s. Happy birthday Leanne xo

  13. Happy birthday, wow such a beautiful day xxx

  14. Happy belated birthday, such a lovely day for you to spend on the beach for you x

  15. Glad you had a great birthday and are feeling more confident! That is great. Enjoy the weekend! Great song isn't it! xx

  16. It is really beautiful light, Happy Birthday Leanne! it was a lovely place to spend the day. X

  17. Well, I wondered if it was coming up! Happy birthday :-) Looking forward to catching up soon over Easter x

  18. Belated happy birthday to you! Such gorgeous pics- my favourite place in the world is st.ives! I know what you mean about the light - just stunning. Go you with a spring in your step. You're worth it. J9x

  19. Happy belated birthday Leanne! I hope you have a fabulous year xx

  20. Belated Happy Birth Leanne! The contrast between the two beaches is incredible! Sarah x

  21. I was thinking as I scrolled through these beautiful images ... the light, the light, the St Ives light ... and a little bit about the painters that have flocked to St Ives ... and a lot about how much I am longing to see the sea, and that the Irish sea seen from the North Wales coast really doesn't qualify. I think I need a holiday!

  22. Beautiful post, Leanne; very moving. And I'm happy for you! xxx
