Friday, 20 March 2015

Five On Friday

Joining in with the lovely Amy. Taking time out to enjoy five things from my week.
Or in this case, my day.
Which was lovely.

The eclipse was seen and admired by us all. I didn't take any of the actual event. I just kept snapping at Pops, who looked hilarious in his special gigs.  

Mum has been staying for a few days, and today we went to Falmouth.  For shopping and an early birthday lunch. I bought some garden twine and stickers. We had fish and chips. With lots of tartare sauce. I love tartare sauce. The flags were all flying at half mast in honour of the town's local policeman who died suddenly last week. In every shop window there was a photo of him with the words "Thanks Andy." He must have been quite a fellow. It was rather moving. 

Down at the harbour, we read many plaques with quotes and memories of wars gone past. I loved the 'Britishness' of some. All stiff upper lip, and Tommy bravado.The sunshine was hazy when we arrived, but soon cleared, revealing the gorgeous candy colors of the town's buildings. The water glinted in the harbour and we stood for a while looking over the side at cormorants diving for fish. The sea was crystal clear. 

It has been a very busy week, and my weekend lurgy has got worse. I have felt quite sorry for myself, and was so pleased that Mum was here. Not least because she makes the best roast dinners and did all my ironing. Olly has had a fabulous birthday week. It seemed to extend because of Mum's visit. He was spoiled with lots of attention and cuddles. Sam and Alfie found a great many treats in the cupboard. Nanny's know that the way to their grandsons hearts is through hugs and tummies!

Have a lovely weekend people 

Leanne xxxxx

(cough, sniff, splutter)


  1. Sorry to hear that you the ickies, I hope that they are soon gone!! Sounds as though you have been having some good times with your Mum though, so I hope that has made it better for you. Thank you so much for joining in! I hope you have a great weekend! xx

  2. Sounds like you've had a nice time, despite being ill. I do hope you're completely better soon. I didn't know how to look at the eclipse so I just mostly watched the light getting dimmer. Two of the boys were allowed to watch it at school, but not the middle one, who would have absolutely loved it. I was so disappointed for him, he's been reading his stargazing book all week. Wishing you a good weekend. CJ xx

  3. So lovely that your mom was in to see you guys! Sounds like it was a wonderful visit! Mom's are the best! And your harbor shots are beautiful! Wishing you a lovely weekend! Nicole xoxo

  4. get well soon xxxx now dreaming of tartar sauce and fish and chips......... which is odd at 8am..........

  5. Hope you get well soon. Sounds like a nice week otherwise, can I borrow your Mum? Ironing out of hand! Lots of love

  6. I'm glad your mum has been there to give you some tender loving care while you recover from your cold. It must have made a nice change to be the one taken care of instead of the one taking care of everyone else. And that picture of Olly is hilarious!

  7. Hope you're feeling better soon. I remember visiting Falmouth once and we loved it.

  8. Now come on, this is no good. Just tell that cold where to go...!!! xx

  9. Falmouth sounds great. As does St Ives. One day...
    Roast dinner and ironing, both done by someone else: yes please. Especially when you're feeling ill. We're all succumbing to yet another bout of illness. Sore throats and coughs and all the rest of it. Will it ever go away??
    Hope you're feeling better soon x

  10. Get well soon, sounded like a lovely day out and fish and chips too, we always try and have a day out by the sea in the holidays which includes fish and chips for tea :)

  11. I'm sorry to hear that you're sick. We're battling through the same thing over here, it's been such a week. I hate snot. Your day out by the sea sounds wonderful, it's so nice that your mother comes to spend time. I'm sure you all enjoy it. I hope everyone is well soon and that you have a good week.

  12. I'm glad you mentioned the tributes in Falmouth to the local 'bobby no the beat', I counted over 100 posters in shop windows saying thank you to him, and over 6,000 people turned out for a memorial walk! I think it's wonderful that a community can come together in such a moving way to remember someone who tried so hard on their behalf. I was really proud of our little part of Cornwall.

    We watched the eclipse too through special glass but I reckon Olly totally rocks his cool specs! Antonia x

  13. I love that quote! And I hope you feel better soon x

  14. I'm sorry you're still ill. I feel like I'm just getting over the mother of all lingering viruses (it's been, like, weeks) and so I sympathise. Olly looks hilarious in those glasses. The eclipse was a total washout here. nothing to see. xx

  15. Hope you feel better soon Leanne. It's miserable being unwell. I have two littles laid low this morning. High temperatures and sore heads. No fun. Glad to hear to got to spend some lovely time with your mum and that you got some spoiling. Bee xx
