Saturday, 28 June 2014

Why I write

So CJ and Mel asked if I'd like to participate in the Why I Write blog hop.
You know me and a bandwagon. I jump on, and worry about grabbing the reigns later.

What Am I working On?

I write, but I am not a writer. That's not to say that I wouldn't like to be. I wonder how many of us writing our blogs have harboured an ambition to write. I remember telling my Headmistress that I would like to be a novelist when I grew up. She advised that I consider the police force. I thought then that writing was probably just a hobby or a phase. All my teenage angst was furtively scribbled into my diary, and then hidden in the airing cupboard so that my sister couldn't find it. I still have them.

I also have all my poems from when I was about six, my short stories that were entered into competitions, my alternative school magazine (which got me into a lot of trouble with the aforementioned headmistress), a couple of aborted attempts at writing that novel, a mock 'Hello' type magazine that I created and distributed with my friend at University. My counselling journals and late night ramblings. They are all written down in my indecipherable scrawl.

So maybe I am working on writing. Working on finding my voice and writing down what I see and feel. I lack the skill and refinement of a writer, so maybe I should work on that too.

How Does My Writing Differ From Others In My Genre?

I can only compare myself to the fellow bloggers that I read and follow. I tend to gravitate to people leading similar lives to me. I love reading the blogs that talk about all things normal and mundane, interspersed with daily gems of gorgeousness and funny and sometimes sad. Maybe my writing can be a rather 'knee jerk' affair. I tend to process on the page, using my blog as a way to let off steam. I'm quite composed and reserved in real life, so I guess I use this space as an emotional outlet. I don't often read knee jerk posts from the other bloggers that I follow. Maybe that's a difference? Anyway I really like being part of a group of like minded people. I don't feel the need to differ.

Why Do I Write What I do?

I write what I do because it gives me pleasure. I look forward to sitting down and writing. It soothes me.

How Does My Writing Process Work?

I sit down and write. That's it! I sometimes have an idea and scribble that down. I write down funny things that I overhear. I write down anything that moves me. I write what I see around me. I have been scribbling down all those topsy turvy sentences that olly has been saying since he could talk. I can often be seen in Fore Street rummaging around in my bag for pen and paper to record something I've seen and heard. It's not really a process, is it?!

I have asked several people if they'd like to hop along, but they already have! So if you'd like to write about why and how you write then that would be grand.

Leanne xx


  1. This is quite incredible. At the moment I'm actually working on post about writing. It's a very busy weekend, but I hope to post it today or tomorrow. Loved reading yours. x

    1. Hey Isabelle, I've just come back from a nice hour visiting your lovely blog, and now look forward to reading about your writing process.
      Leanne xx

  2. Well I love your writing because it's from the heart.

    1. Thank you Linda. I always worry it's too mawkish or sentimental! Leanne xx

  3. You're a good writer, Leanne, and I always enjoy reading what you have to say.

    1. I take that as a huge compliment from you, friend.
      Leanne xx

  4. Hi Leanne. It is my fault, I nominated Mel AND CJ. I was going to nominate you, too but I don't have your contact email. If you fancy being awarded a Liebster award..... you know, another band wagon to jump on, please let me know! :) I am looking for volunteers. This post makes for good reading. In my eyes, you are actually a writer, not someone who writes. The writing is part of you, which I think makes a writer. But maybe there is no difference at all. In any case, I love visiting! Talking of visiting, we are probably about 1 hour from St. Yves and it would be lovely to meet although you'll probably find me excruciatingly dull in real life. Christina xx

    1. I totally agree with Christina. You are a writer, Leanne, not someone who writes. If writing is a part of who you are, you are a writer. Perhaps time to redefine this aspect of yourself...? xxx

    2. Thank you both. My son has always told me to 'write seriously' I think it's his gruff way of saying he thinks I should try my hand at more than my blog. And Christina, I would absolutely love to meet up with you if I am able. Boring? I seriously doubt that!

  5. You are a writer, Leanne. I think it's your headmistress that should have been advised to join the police force. :-)

    1. Ha! We never saw eye to eye. I was probably a real pain. I blame all the angst. And having no boobs ;)
      Leanne xx

  6. I'm very happy that you write. I love to come and read x

  7. yes the first thing I thought was, this girl can write! in quite a unique way for blogging I think. It does open another world doesn't it, I'm just really getting that as I type it! it must be catching, now I'm processing as I write too! Yes keep going/processing/writing. X

    1. Hey Heather,
      Oh dear. I'm blushing now! Thank you.
      Leanne xx

  8. Loving your funny, honest and always enjoyable writing. So pleased that blogs are around, as 20-30 years ago maybe we wouldn't have heard your voice and we'd all be the poorer for it so please keep it up! Antonia x

    1. Thank you Antonia,
      We really should make arrangements to meet up sometime soon!
      Leanne xx

  9. However you write and whatever you write I am sure that it will always be interesting for you and others to read. xx

  10. A great post Leanne, I love hearing about different people's writing processes. I like to jot things down too, and I've got lots of things that the boys have said written in a notebook. Every so often they read them out and laugh about it all. I always enjoy visiting your blog and reading what you've written about life, your writing is lovely, natural, honest and humorous. CJ xx

    1. Thanks CJ, although I feel the award for the driest wit would go to you ;) x

  11. Following links on the computer has lead me down many an interesting rabbit trail. A wonderful labyrinth of creative and winsome people beckon. "Jump in," they seem to call. "The water's fine."
    When I began a story blog, it was with the single minded plan to receive free books from a publishing company. Read, review and post, were their requirements and free books would wing their way to me.
    I would write about books of course. And post my reviews. That was the plan.
    But like so many other times in life, "The best laid schemes o' mice an' men gang aft agley."
    Free books soon slipped from mind and I discovered an unexpected passion.
    I stumbled upon an amazing source of joy.
    Who knew.
    I'm delighted to have wandered up the path to your door. I was hooked when I read your words, "I try my best. I often get it wrong."
    Looking forward to reading more.....

    1. Thank you Glenda. I hope you enjoy visiting here. I really do get it wrong a lot of the time....
      Leanne xx

  12. You write very well indeed because you are unpretentious and you write from the heart. I like the fact that you process on the page (or screen) - it means your posts are always fresh and real. Knee-jerk is fine too, sometimes you just need to have that rant. Ooh I do love your blog Leanne. I'm so glad we connected. xx

    1. Yes I think you were the first person to leave a comment on my blog. I remember squealing! I know I should be all cool and aloof about it all, but as I've said before I am a complete twat! Thank you for your kinds words. They mean a lot xx

  13. You are a writer Leanne, with your own unique voice that is so consistent and lovely! This Post is a perfect example. And you are cheeky too - I thought you were already committed to doing this post for someone else and so I didn't mention you in my Post but you have gone and mentioned me here anyway and now I feel bad that I didn't reciprocate xxx

    1. PS love your new profile pic :-)

    2. Hey Mel,
      I mentioned you, because you had been so kind to ask. And to be honest I'm just flattered that anyone would think of me at all. I sit here bashing away on my lap tap, and don't really think for a moment that anyone pays it any real attention. So thank you. For paying me some attention!! xx

  14. Hi, Leanne,

    It's me again, I've just read your latest blog and now I've run the cursor (is that the spelling? You'd think a writer would know!) down the page and seen this post about writing. Well, girl, you do have a gift of conveying information in a lovely way, and you obviously love writing which is paramount, but if you want to write for publication rather than just have your pieces in journals, then you have to simply get on and do it. If you write fiction, buy some of the women's magazines and analyse the stories - how long they are, content, gentle read of more cutting-edge, and then see if you can write stories that are similar in style but not content. Then offer them. I'm not a fiction writer, but I was in a writers' group long enough to pick up some fiction tips. Magazines generally like to see stories, fully formed, even if they want you to do re-writes or change things.
    Non-fiction, which is what I write, is totally different in approach. You must think of an idea and then offer that to a magazine or newspaper, and what counts here is having a suitable 'peg' from which to hang it. An anniversary is such a peg, or a season, or an event. And bear in mind that for magazines you should not be offering them late-autumn, even Christmas-oriented pieces, now, possibly for spring 2015. If you can supply good photos, so much the better but they have to be professional quality, or you must know where they can source good photos. So, if you want to write for publication, just do it. Have a go. This is what I did 17 years ago.

  15. I love your blog Leanne. I love to read about your life in the way you like to tell us :-)
