Hello there!
I've just noticed that this is my 300th post. Good grief. That's a lot of babbling about nothing in particular.
It's miserable in St Ives today. It's raining and windy. Normally I don't mind too much, but today it's given me reason enough to stay inside and potter about my cosy home. I have a few errands to do, but all in good time. I'm planning roast chicken for our evening meal, a spot of baking with lemons and blueberries and a general chill. Because what with one thing and another, it's been quite a week
Olly is at nursery. Boy was he grouchy this morning. I think he's ready for some time off. I think we all are. Our countdown to the holidays has begun. Sam fell asleep in the car on the way home from his progress evening (all good. Disorganised, like most boys apparently, but we can do something about that). Alfie asked to go to bed (literally unheard of). Olly only wanted one bed time story (couldn't keep his eyes open). Marc couldn't raise his head from the pillow this morning (although I suspect he was hiding from the usual morning madness....).
And me? Well for one reason or another, I haven't slept so good for about a week now. I am due some rest and relaxation. Hence the pottering day. My head isn't as fuzzy as it was earlier in the week. And the jitters have gone. I'm looking forward to having my hair cut (should I go even shorter), going out on Saturday evening with my lovely husband, researching wood burners (eeek!) and taking Olly to his first trip to the cinema (wish me luck).
I have ditched my latest attempt at trying to lose weight. What was I thinking? I still hate this extra tyre that I can't seem to shift since having Olly. But I need to be realistic and truthful to myself. I ain't gonna be dieting at this time of year. Fact. I also need to sort out why I am so fatigued. The bloods have been taken, and we shall see what we shall see next week.
Have a lovely weekend everyone.
Leanne xx
Happy 300th post! Hope you have a lovely restful day and a great weekend. Sounds like you have good plans! And I'm with you on the dieting, its just too hard at this time of year. Think I will just start again in the new year! xx
ReplyDeleteIndeed,Happy 300. I lost you momentarily in 2013 when I deleted my blog following list and was so glad to find you again. I love the way you write so openly and honestly. So many wonderful things go on in your life but it is always peppered with realism boy sugar coating that leaves your readers feeling somewhat lacking.
ReplyDeleteAs for the rest. The day I stopped weighing myself was the best I ever did. I have lost weight and stayed steady ever since. Food ceases to become a challenge and it's actually easier to choose which foods to eat.
I do hope your blood tests come back ticketty boo. I remember vividly thinking I was seriously ill when I was bringing up my three children. How could anyone feel so tired. You accept everyone else is knackered, I bet you are too. Xxx
It is good that you are taking the opportunity to slow down and have a chill out day. I am doing exactly the same after a not so good day yesterday for one reason and another. The weather is grey and dull here in Gloucestershire and doesn't encourage going out unnecessarily. Mind you the dog begs to differ! X
ReplyDelete300 posts! That's a lot. And I have missed most of them because I only recently discovered your blog. Must do some catching up.
ReplyDeleteI love your candid openness, your life seems beautifully normal
I only measure my weight be jeans size. As long as I can squeeze in the same size (sometimes with difficulty) I am content. Long cardigan hide the triple tyre that didn't fit in the jeans... Hope your blood tests come back ok! Tiredness is a constant companion of mums but it is best to get checked out.
300 posts ... woohoo! And slow, happy stuff is the best kind of stuff there is. Here's hoping you can catch up on some much needed sleep x
ReplyDeleteHappy 300th, Leanne. That's amazing. It will be sometime next summer before I've posted that much, if I keep at my current rate. I completely understand about the sleepiness in your house; around here, they're sleeping like logs. I am too. I hope your sleep is back to normal soon and that your bloodwork comes back normal too. I hope you enjoy your relaxing day.
ReplyDeleteWow 300 post, that's quite an achievement and I can't comfortably say that I have enjoyed every single one of the once I have read. I am sorry to hear that you are feeling fatigued, it is awful, I have it every day and it can really get you down. Food can be a big trigger, so do look at wheat and dairy and try and eliminate these first (sorry possibly teaching you how to suck eggs). I hope the blood test will show something, but don't put too much hope into it, but I do hope for you that it will at least give you something tangible to work with. Yes not really the time for dieting, although I must say that I am trying to be a great deal healthier at the moment to give my body a break before the feast begins, but I have to confess it is hard. Love the area you live in it is so beautiful and it sounds like you have had the perfect day cosying inside. Everyone over here is absolutely shattered, I can't get the kids up in the morning, its been nativities this week and personally I am on complete burnout mode, so a great deal of rest is needed before Christmas otherwise I will be no good to no man nor beast. I hope you enjoy the haircut, not really sure whether to go shorter or not, just go with how you feel on Saturday and enjoy your night out with Mark. Did I hear you say woodburners, does this mean it might be happening for the conservatory then?? Have a wonderful weekend. xoxo
ReplyDeleteA great achievement to reach 300 posts your planned coy evening sounds good, hope you have a good weekend .
ReplyDeleteSarah x
300! Thats amazing. I got to my 300th post not too long ago and couldnt believe I had done so many! Here's to the next 300 Leanne!
ReplyDeleteWow, 300 posts, congratulations, that's fantastic. Sorry your week has been hard. I hope you feel more energised soon. I take Floradix sometimes when I feel in need of some extra vitamins and iron (you can get it from Holland & Barrett). We're pretty tired too - I think the short winter days take their toll at this time of year. Lucky you getting a woodburner. I have a longing for one, but it's not going to happen any time soon, if at all. They are so cosy, they really make a room. A friend has one, and her living room is absolutely gorgeous. I like your first photo - I think I recognise the view from when our car broke down at St Ives back in the summer! Well done on abandoning the diet. It's madness at this time of year. Yummy things are what's needed I think - the only way to power through everything that needs to be done. Hope you all have a really good weekend. Only one more week of school to get through.
ReplyDeletelove the new header, love your pictures, that last one is amazing! hope you all get a break soon and bloods come back with a nice quick and easy solution. xxxx
ReplyDeleteOoh ta Dennis! ;) xx
DeleteJust to say I love your blog, hearing about your boys and your life in Cornwall - well done for reaching 300. I still haven't hit the 100 mark yet so very impressed. Love your photos and header.
ReplyDeleteHappy 300 Posts Leanne! That's quite an amazing achievement in such a short amount of time........I've only done 200 Posts and I've been at it a year longer than you! Yes, as the others have said, I really love your blog and this Post was a perfect example why....felt like we were sitting at the kitchen table having a chat. Interesting you are feeling the end of year 'pinch' with tired children as I thought that was just a result of the end of the school year which we have right now down here - my kids are shattered - but the end of the year is just as fatiguing with Christmas and everything......Hope you are feeling spritely soon, Winter is a bit tough on the energy levels so take it easy and I hope you had a lovely night out with your Hubby. ...Totally in love with your red typewriter by the way! Have a great week :-) Mel x
ReplyDeleteA lovely post with lovely photos to match. Its madness to try and lose weight at this time of year. I have eaten my body weight in mince pies over the last few weeks, and will continue to do so. Give yourself a break and enjoy the festive season. xx
ReplyDeleteBeautiful pictures I hope you blood work results are ok.I have just posted about my weight .I just cant stop baking and eating. I will start tackling it after Christmas
ReplyDeleteWell done on 300 posts! It's certainly the wrong time of year to think of dieting and the gloomy weather doesn't help energy levels either - I hope the blood test is ok.