Wednesday, 27 November 2013

52 Weeks Of Happy - 47/52

Is it happy time already? My weeks are flying by here. They are merging into each other. It must be the shorter days and longer nights. I'm in my relaxy pants by 4pm most days. The front door is locked after tea. A locked door symbolises the end of the working day here. During the summer it is open most of the day, while I flit from my garden in the back and my greenhouse in the front. There's no real need for that now. I've planted up my seeds (more of that soon) and they just need a look in every now and again.

I tend to go to bed earlier during the winter months. Not to sleep, you understand, but to do my thing cosy style. I make a cup of tea and wend my way upstairs. I snuggle into bed, surrounded by books, magazines, journal, notebooks, computer, the odd child or two and happily flit from one to the other. Not hugely productive maybe, but there's no guilt attached.

My days are filled with stuff; family stuff, housework stuff, cooking stuff, playing with Olly stuff. I do this willingly - well not always where the ironing is concerned, and so the evening is my own. I also have no Marc during the week, so no real desire to sit downstairs and stare at the four walls in solitude. Don't fret about me though - I love battoning down the hatches, as it were.


Four simple happy things from my week. As always joining in with Jen

As Stevie Wonder would say

I saw her at Nacledra craft fair. She was slightly obscured, lent against a wall behind a stall selling things made from wood. But it was love at first sight. I can't tell you why. It's not my normal thing. But there she sat on her rock, drinking a cup of tea and reading a magazine. I loved that. So I bought her for Marc to give to me for Christmas. Wasn't that kind of him?

Coat Pocket Finds

Just a few things that have found their way into my pocket this week. Olly and I found these red leaves on the way to nursery this week. This Autumnal red is my favourite. Such a warm and vibrant colour to be greeted with on a cold morning. The pebble was one that Honey found on the beach. She loves being thrown pebbles and retrieving them. It's quite pretty close up. I'm dead chuffed with the scallop shell. It's a beauty. There were loads of them lying around the beach on Saturday for some reason. It happens that way. Some weeks it will be Razor shells, and other times it will be Tellin shells or Mussels.

A Quick Snap

I carry my camera everywhere I go. It's no mean feat really, because it's quite big. But whenever I don't have it, I notice something and wish I did have it. I know that this is not a great picture, but on the way to pick up Olly I looked accross at Godrevy. I was struck by the contrast of a gloriously sunny weekend highlighting all the colours of nature, to this almost monochrome palette. I stood and looked out accross the bay from the top of town. It felt very still and peaceful. I snapped it as a reminder of the colours that change daily here in West Cornwall.

Crossing The Bar

Sunset and evening star,
And one clear call for me!
And may there be no moaning of the bar,
When I put out to sea.

But such a tide as moving seems asleep,
Too full for sound and foam,
When that which drew from out the boundless deep
Turns again home.

Twilight and evening bell,
And after that dark!
And may there be no sadness of farewell,
When I embark;

For tho' from out our bourne of Time and Place
The flood may bear me far,
I hope to see my pilot face to face
When I have crost the bar.

Alfred Lord Tennyson

This poem was read at my neighbour's funeral. A beautiful poem about the acceptance of passing on from this world to the next. Not a happy in the traditional sense maybe. But it was a lovely tribute to a man who lived by the sea, fought at sea and worked out at sea during his lifetime.

Leanne xx


  1. Lovely happies, Leanne. The painting is beautiful, he really has great taste. :) I love the in-pocket finds; even my husband leaves some interesting ones for me. Grown men like to pick up pebbles too, I guess. I think your evenings sound pretty wonderful. I enjoy this time of year for the sense of hunkering but also for the fact that you don't need to be outdoors most of the time. Last night I was sweeping dead leaves away from the front walk because they get tracked into the house. I thought that even though it wasn't really a job to enjoy doing, it was a lot easier than the summer tasks like weeding!

  2. Hi Leanne,what a moving poem and a very fitting tribute to a seafaring man.
    I'm loving your mermaid pic.....I would have certainly snapped her up too, I love the quirkiness of it :)
    Beautiful coastal photo as always. I love to come by and get my fix of the sea here :)

  3. Beautiful mermaid. Always a good plan to choose you own present!

  4. I love that Poem by Tennyson Leanne. I also enjoyed your description of your evenings - sounds very similar to ours. We always say "time to lock the world out and snuggle down!" I too have no guilt at being in my comfy pants (or PJ's) when dinner is done!

  5. Such a beautiful photograph of the bay. I love those winter sea colours. The scallop shell is perfect, a good find indeed. What a pretty mermaid picture. Even mermaids need to take a little break from luring sailors onto the rocks. I read your post yesterday when I had a five minute break in between whizzing my eldest to the doctor's and then the Minor Injuries Unit (bruised foot) and my fourth (but not last) trip to the school to pick up children. Somehow in my haste I lost my original comment! Hope you have a lovely day Leanne.

  6. I like to batten down the hatches too, and by 7pm am in my jogging bottoms, with the curtain pulled across the front door (to stop the drafts). That photo of Godrevy is breathtaking. One day I will visit your neck of the woods. xx

  7. Beautiful picture of the mermaid and I can completely see why you bought her and I am all for buying what you want and in this house I normally buy my own and he just wraps, I am happy with that. Beautiful poem xoxo
