Friday, 1 February 2013

52 Weeks Of Happy - 8/52

Joining in with Little Birdie and Tales From A Happy House.

It's been an up and down week. I've either been cloud nine happy, or mean red blue. It goes like that sometimes, doesn't it.

I am still without a camera, so have been using my phone.


I treated myself to this beautiful orchid this week. They were on offer at Tesco's, and I thought "why not?" I've given orchids as gifts in the past, but never had one myself. I love the hit of fuchsia pink. It's a bright colour to liven up the senses.

Duckies Tea Room

Situated in Pratts Market in Hayle. Mum and me went there on Wednesday. I know that there are probably loads of vintage tea rooms springing up everywhere, but this was charming. The tea tasted nicer sipped out of mis-matched china. The mushroom soup was gorgeous, and so was the apple flap jack.

Proud Mum Moments

Of course I'm always proud of my boys in all of their endeavours. But sometimes I'm a little prouder than others. Sam came home from school with an invitation to a gifted and talented conference at Oxford Uni this week. I could have burst!! What an experience to have. And I'm not usually one to boast, but.......

So there is the happy.

Have a lovely weekend. Beryl and Jean's accommodation is being given a makeover, and I'm defrosting the freezer. Just living the dream!!

Leanne xx


  1. Wow, your proud mum moment is pretty special. Well done to Sam! I too love orchids and always buy one on the way to the check out in Ikea.

    Gillian x

    1. Thanks Gillian.

      Any tips on looking after orchids? I have always thought that they must be tricky to keep alive, so I've always avoided them.

      Leanne x
