Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Lists - 1/52 Randoms

Have you read Meet Me At Mike's? It's this wonderful blog I've been following for a while. She loves a list. Don't we all. I'm joining in!! Maybe one day I'll have an original idea of my own. Perhaps at Elite Writing Group (more on that soon...)


So my Dad has come down to visit.

It hasn't rained all day.

But it is rather brrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Beryl is a very very naughty chicken.

Olly had the whole of Harbour beach to himself.

I enjoyed people watching.

In particular a very stylish older lady posing with her cigarette held just so.

My camera died. Boo.

I'm already behind with my seed planting.

My new boots are en route.

I am a Mumsnet blogger!!

That Bruno Mars song I like.


If anyone can tell me how I can make my blogger heading picture smaller, I'd love to know. Shrink to fit? It doesn't !! I don't understand. I am a blogger incompetent.


  1. No idea but your first picture is Gazelle Cottage and some of the girls think it's haunted!

  2. Lovely pictures of your local area.

    You could try moving the margins in your blog setup/template or cropping your photo on a website like picmonkey to make it shorter and wider - that's what I did with mine. Hope that helps.

    Gillian x

  3. Like the pic of Victoria Rd thats where I lived when I moved back to St.Ives, house on the oppiside to the view in the photo, and we had a Cavalier spaniel named Becket, Honey would have liked him xxMel
