Friday, 16 November 2012

Can't wait for tea

Olly and I are having the lazy day.

We have been out to walk the dogs, although Lily did not want to come.

I took my camera along - just in case.

Olly and Honey snaffled the remaining blackberries. Olly the dog seemed unsure.

We have scuppered any plans the chickens have of escape. A run is being ordered for more permanent enclosure.

Cottage pie for tea with red cabbage and other legumes.

Marc is on his way home with a raging leaving do hangover.

Olly has some new shoes. He is very proud of them.

We have discovered a place to collect holly for Christmas.

This weekend I will mostly be a taxi service and helping a clothes phobic shop for clothes.

What will you be?

Have a great weekend. x

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