Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Bluff and Bluster


In an ideal world, my hair would be able to tolerate a winter hat. Not just my hair, but me. I love winter hats. They just don't love me. They make me feel hot and bothered. My head itches. And I dare not remove the hat if, for example, I go from beach to café, because my hair looks completely bonkers after being jostled inside a cap of wool. Winter hats are for people with thick, lustrous tresses. Or a chic and stylish cropped barnet. Strawberry blonde flyaway hair just doesn't cut the mustard. I have to make do with a hood, which let's face it is never a good look. People always stare at me in an alarmed way when I walk along the beach with my hood up and pulled in tight. It's the expanse of forehead, I'm afraid. Without a fringe I look like Mr Potato Head's less glamorous daughter. 
Olly and I walked along Porthkidney Sands this morning. He's been off school with one of those non specific virus things, but today he was much better. Not well enough for school, but well enough for some strawberry bon bons and a stomp. You may be able to tell from the pictures above  - and apologies for their poor quality. I think I've picked up the non specific virus, and I didn't have any fortifying bon bons of my own - that it was rather windy. The sand was blowing up into our faces, getting into our eyes and mouths. We walked backwards to try and alleviate the problem, but to be honest it was rather a laborious way to traverse the beach. So we climbed up into the dunes and found shelter there. Olly played with the trains that he'd bought along, and I sat back and turned my face to the sun.
It has been a difficult week, what with lurgy and teenage hideousness, and I was grateful for this time spent in gentle activity. I was happy to let my mind drift here and there. I really loved sitting in the sunshine. Honestly, there is nothing better. The sun was primrose yellow; pale and wistful. No hint of the warmth that is yet to come. Just a promise of brighter days ahead. And for the first time in a while I felt a stirring of positivity deep within.
Once home, we went into the garden and set to with loppers and secateurs. For a good couple of hours we laboured in the borders, and I compiled a mental to do list. I felt that undercurrent of excitement that the garden gives me. It's so bedraggled and unpromising at this time of year. But full of plans and possibilities too. There are bulbs popping up all over the shop. There are shrubs that need to be moved around. There are sweet peas to be sowed in the greenhouse. I want to buy more Alium bulbs, and I have plans for the neglected bit down the side of the house. I fancy painting the fences, and have hacked back a rather invasive clematis and put it in it's place once more. Now we are inside. Alfie has an after school club, and Olly is inventing in the conservatory. I have made myself a cup of tea, and am going to grab some gardening books, and snatch a half hour or so before tea indulging in plans and projects.
I'm sharing a bit of the good, to thank you for letting me share a bit of the bad the other day. There's something very cool about the solidarity and support I receive from you all. You are the Person Centred counsellor that I have always strived to be.
Leanne xx


  1. That's a gorgeous wide open space! Wonder if they race land yachts on there, or kite-kart things?

    1. Yes they do Simon. I'd love to give it a go
      L x

  2. Blue sky!!! Now I know I live in the wrong place.
    Gardening action sounds fab. There's just so much promise wrapped up in those little green shoots at this time of year. And yes, it's all to come. Lovely.

  3. I often have grit in my teeth during springtime around here because it gets very windy. I should learn to keep my mouth closed more. I'd really suffer if I lived in the beach. :)

  4. I have the same problem with hats - my hair develops so much static that I look as if I've touched one of those Van der Graaf generators. Love the beach photos and you've inspired me to get out into the garden - weather permitting of course! xx

  5. Hats on or off neither give my hair a good look on a windy day. Don't you hate all those stylish people who take off their hats and just give their heads a flick...and there they are perfect..grrrrrrrr. B xx

  6. Lovely photos. I'm the same with a hat - and I love knitting them!
    Caz xx

  7. Glad you had good to share! I am no good with hats, don't suit me, too hot, make my hair go odd. Not good at all with hats! xx

  8. Hats are not my friends either. But it sounds like a lovely moment in the sand dunes. I like that first bit of sun on my face every year. It feels so precious, I can almost sense the Vitamin D perking me up. A day alone with your littlest boy is a good thing, although I hope he's all better now, and you too. Good to hear you are feeling it in the garden again. I find my enthusiasm waxes and wanes. I've pruned the apples and grape vines and the garden is vaguely under control. All sorts of horrors down at the allotment though. I am temporarily ignoring it. CJ xx

  9. I looked fearful in hats. but I wear them anyway and terrify people with my mad hair. love that you enjoyed the sunshine today x

  10. Your hat bit got me!! Your are too funny! Glad your sweetie is feeling better and that you got out for a pretty romp! Your explanation of the garden got my excited about what is to come! Sounds so lovely!! Wishing you good things tomorrow! Nicole xo

  11. Oh your pictures lifted my spirits. I miss living by the sea.I feel for your teenager issues, we are just beginning this my house. X

    1. Grit your teeth parenting for sure.
      L x

    2. Oh dear. I already do so much teeth gritting that my dentist gave me a special mouth guard. Maybe I should wear it for all child-related confrontations from now on.

  12. Glad your feeling brighter Leannne,the lovely day lifted your spirits ,big hugs x

  13. I know exactly what you mean about hats, they don't like me either although I don't have your excuse of lovely blonde flyaway hair. In my case it is grey, thin and flyaway!!! Nothing like a walk on the beach to blow away those winter blues and germs though, wish I lived close enough to the sea to do that on a regular basis. xx

  14. Such lovely photos, I wish i was there, it looked so calming. Have a nice weekendx

  15. You can't beat a good balaclava
    (but only if you're 100% certain that you won't be near people)!

  16. It is a never ending war of attrition with teenagers, isn't it? I am not keen on spending time with mine at the moment, apart from being horrid, he also stinks. Hope yours is on a trend to better. How nice to spend time in the dunes with your little man. Precious. I am almost fearful to admit it (reading the comments above, and your post), I wear hats well and often :-) but I do have a gigantic but that is difficult to dress. Lots of love. xx

    1. I'm glad you wear hats well. I'm not bad with summer hats, and have a v nice Panama. You have a lovely figure; in and out in all the right places. My teen smells of Lynx, which I an affront to my senses frankly ;))
      L x

  17. I've always had trouble with hats since being forced to wear one at school. I recently knitted a beauty & thought it fitted me a treat, but it's stretched and now falls below my eyes, so I cat't see a thing!

    1. Oh no! Can it be shrunk in the wash? Failing that, could you cut a couple of holes in it, and turn,it into a tea cosy? ;)
      L x

  18. That was a shared wavelength my friend, for I spent yesterday afternoon gardening too. The first time since before winter and it felt GOOOOOOOD :o) The dogs sat on the wall and watched me as I chatted to the plants and conversed with the garden about where we both wanted everything to go. Lovely sea pics as always. I rely on you for those, you know? XX

    1. I love a shared wavelength. Honey ambled outside too, and the cat watched from the window. He's no fool. Glad you like the sea pics.
      L x

  19. I think it's really important to remember that NOTHING we experience in life is unique to us, that around the world millions of us are going through the same thing. I think it is called the human condition. I used to think I wasn't a hat person until I made my own out of a beautiful skein of Fyberspates merino wool. I made it to fit and adjusted the brim for maximum flattery and now I wear it all the time. Just off for my Friday swim, I need to get in and out of the pool before the lunchtime swimmers arrive, Garden planning sounds like a good activity for later on, might pop into the library on the way home for a bit of inspiration.

  20. So glad the timeless medicine of sea and sand (and gardening!) has worked a little magic... x

  21. I have a favourite wooly hat which looks fine on. My hair is constantly messy so it makes no difference when I take it off. I've always wanted one of those chic haircuts but I have the wrong type of hair (and an aversion to taking any time to style it). Going through the teenage phase is extreme parenting. My 16-yr-old is coming through it as my 14-yr-old is going into it... Lovely to get out in the garden. It almost always makes me feel better. Sam x

  22. Sea, sand and gardening works for me, where did you find so much blue sky?
    Sarah x

  23. I'm so happy that you were able to go to the beach, and that you found some calm and positivity there. It does that for me too, always. And I love that you took that home with you and found more comfort and optimism in your garden. Spring will come! I wandered around my garden today and really looked (you'd have been proud) and noticed things popping up all over the place. Lovely. xx

  24. I'm excited by my garden again this year too. I love that you're able to share the beach and the beautiful place you live in. Hope that Olly is much better now as well. I can't say I'm looking forward to the teenage years - my 6 year old is already an expert pouter! Here's to more optimism :) xx
