Monday, 30 December 2013

52 Weeks Of Happy - 52/52

Hello there!!

Well that was a whirlwind and a half. Christmas that is. I've had an inadvertent break from blogging. My days have been filled with lounging, socialising, eating, visiting and reading. There has also been rather a lot of sibling bickering and raising my eyes to heaven. But it wouldn't be Christmas without that, would it? I would love to tell of perfectly behaved children in matching pyjamas, opening their gifts with care and attention. There I am in full 1950's housewife splendour. Not a hair out of place, as I top up the sherry glass and attend to the turkey.

Alas no...... My dreadful family planning came home to roost this year.

For all you readers who have young children, heed my words. Cherish it. Every last bit of Christmas magic that you can squeeze into the next few years. Because blink and it's gone. The older teen was a grumpy git, who should have been left in his bed throughout Christmas. Him and pre-teen bickered constantly. Over everything. My saving grace was Olly. I hang onto the magic through him. (No pressure then Pops....)

On a personal note, I was spoilt rotten this year, and I think I shall share some of the lovely gifts that I received in another post. I felt very emotional opening presents from family and friends, that had had so much thought put into them. So for any of you reading this, thank you.


And here I am with my final week's worth of happy. It feels rather strange to be posting this. I have so enjoyed this project. There have been weeks when I have had to dig deep for the happy. And there have been weeks when my cup has over flowed with it. It has made me stop and think about the little everyday things that have put a smile on my face. Being outdoors featured prominently, as did my family. Snap shots of the nature on my doorstep too. I often look back on these posts, because they have given a real flavour of life here chez me.

So for one last time, four simple happy things from my week. As always joining in with Jen.

Christmas Day On Porthmeor Beach

Here is Olly. Defending the planet from aliens. It was overcast on Christmas Day. But it wasn't raining, and the wind had dropped. The waves were perfectly huge, and the surfers were out in force. I didn't venture into the sea, but I have made a promise to myself to jump into that beautiful water next year. An early resolution of sorts.

We walked Honey along the beach between opening presents, and piling round to my lovely sister in laws for Christmas dinner. Once again I was struck by how lucky I am to live here. St Ives may be swelling with the winter tourist (all Cossack hats and Peruvian peasant outfits, to paraphrase a good friend of mine) but we get to do this whenever we want to. It is never taken for granted.

Treesdale for Christmas Dinner

The above is a snap taken by Marc. I think we are opening gifts after the best Christmas meal. Not long afterwards, the parlour games came out. Karen and I took on the might of the male contingent and only lost by one point. It was a really super day, despite my children (!). I even wore a dress! Well a tunic type affair, but it made a change from my waxed jacket and wellies uniform. Oh and mascara. Well, it was Christmas....

A Christmas Wreath

I would like to claim this for my own. It is hung on a door along The Digey in central St Ives. It made me smile. And I salute it. I have felt rather inadequate at all the posts out there showing home made loveliness. You are all so clever and talented. I may try my arm at one next year.

Banksy In Bristol

We got back from Bristol today. It was a flying visit, but we got to see my family and schlep around the centre of town. It was very nostalgic for some reason. This is on a wall of a building at the bottom of Park Street. I used to think it was rather daring when I was a teen. And I think there was uproar when it appeared all those years ago. Of course, now he is a respected artist, and so we salute his skill and non-conformist stance.

And that was the happy!!

I should also mention Dr Who, Gangsta Granny, Death Comes To Pemberley, After Eights, Prosecco, late morning lie-ins, natural history programmes, pate on toast, catching up with Helena and new jeans from Gap outlet.

Normal service has been resumed.

Leanne xx


  1. ooo wonderful! hanging onto every moment of magic here with littles whilst dodging items hurled by tilly of course...always the sms element to contend with in our camp! You look gorgeous and so glad you were spoiled! love and hugs xxxx

  2. Oh Leanne you are a breath of fresh air. We had a lovely Christmas. No one else noticed the turkey was s tough of old boots but they did notice when it fell out of the oven all over the floor swimming in its juices.
    Happy days

  3. So glad you had such a wonderful Christmas Leanne. It sounds like a cracker. And many thanks to Olly for his sterling work in protecting the planet from aliens. Without such bravery we would all be abducted by little green men I am sure. I used to cycle (or walk) past that Banksy picture every day on my way to work. You have reminded me of it. Wishing you a very happy New Year Leanne. CJ xx

  4. This is wonderful, Leanne. I'm sorry the big boys gave you a hassle but it sounds like Olly was a delight. I think your Christmas celebrations sound like a lot of fun. I've really enjoyed reading your happy posts this year. I wanted to say that I sent you an email to thank you for the package and I hope it got to you because I wasn't sure if I had the correct address. But thank you again, it really was wonderful and I appreciate it very, very much.

  5. Will it certainly sounds like you made the most of it and had a lovely time with all your family. I love the photo of Olly - so imaginative. And you look gorgeous in the photo!
    Best wishes for 2014 - hope it's a super one! x

  6. I remember it all ... the infant joy, and the teenage tantrums ... and suddenly, just like that, not a one of my four is under 20 and they don't even all come home for Christmas. Well apart from the youngest, but then he still lives here! So enjoy having them all at home Leanne, even the bad tempered one ;)

    And here's wishing you and yours a fabulous 2014 x

  7. You look like the happiest family ever on this photo. Love your dress, too.
    Teenagers (and pre-teens) are funny creatures, aren't they? I am never quite sure how they react to any kind of stimulus (including a simple "good morning"). Mine was ok this Christmas but there are times where I wish him away to University or wherever. I am sure I'll miss him a lot though...

    Wishing you a happy New Year! Cx

  8. Happy New Year Leanne....looks like a gorgeous Christmas Day had by all (do you have a Cavalier King Charles?). I'm sorry I can't help with the teenage stuff but I'll be calling you when my lot reach the wreath, made me smile :-) All the best for 2014! Mel xxx

  9. Oh Leanne I am so behind with my blog reading! Your Christmas looks like a lot of fun. I'm sorry you were ill and your boys bickered - i don't want my babies to grow up, ever! I've really enjoyed reading your happy posts each week. I still really miss writing mine. x
