Tuesday, 23 July 2013


Hello again!

I just wanted to share a few photos taken with my phone this morning. Olly and I took the dogs out through the lanes that lead down to the cliffs. There are an abundance of flowers in the hedgerow at the moment. I fiddled about with them on PicMonkey. Do you use it? I was told about it by Gillian. It's great for making fancy collages and cropping and playing with your photos. I used an effect on the collage below. I quite like it.

I was also inspired by Nina at Tabiboo to try and take some pictures of butterflies. Her photographs of nature are simply stunning. It wasn't easy, but I got a couple. I think I need my posh camera for that. How do you take photos of nature, especially when it won't stay still?! I am of the point and hope for the best school, but would like to have the time (and patience) to sit and wait for the perfect opportunity.

It was a  lovely walk. There is a breeze in St Ives today, which feels refreshing after the intense heat of the past few weeks. Olly ran down the lanes, and climbed the ancient stone stiles with gusto. We played the buttercup game, and tree in the summer game. The dogs chased imaginary rabbits, and I snapped and snapped and snapped.

Snap happy.

That's me .

Leanne xx


  1. You got some great photos! I haven't tried PicMonkey but I like to make collages in Picasa, which I have on my computer. Photographing nature is difficult, I agree. You have to be quick, or like you said, very patient.

  2. I know what you mean about photographing nature. I tried to capture some bees on the raspberries earlier in the year but they were impossible. I found foxgloves much easier, I could focus on the next flower up, as they just worked their way along all of the flowers. The collage is lovely. I haven't worked out how to do one yet, but I'd love to try, they always look so effective.

  3. I like your collage and glad you've tried Picmonkey, It is lots of fun. I have never managed to photograph a butterfly yet, they are just too quick or I'm too slow, not sure which it is. xx

  4. Thanks for the heads up on Picmonkey. I'm planning a day of sprucing up my blog and writing some posts and will definitely be using it! x
