Wednesday, 10 October 2012

News Just In

Well hello there!

I feel neglectful of you, dearest. It's not as if I haven't any news or things to say. I've just been busy doing it, you see.

Big news. I have a new car. No really. Brand spanking new! A little gem of a car, that will see Olly and me pootle about West Cornwall without a care in the world.


Hip hip hooray for Tuesday night Book Group!

All round cosy loveliness in a borrowed house, discussing 'The Kashmir Shawl' by Rosie Thomas. I read half the book properly and speed read the other half. I regret this, because I didn't feel that I could contribute much if anything. It didn't help that the sofa was far too comfortable, the fire was flickering warmth and the food filled my tummy in that lovely just full up enough way.

This month's read (should you care to join us) is 'The Forgotten Garden' by Kate Moreton, chosen by the lovely Tara. One of the best things about book group are the gorgeous people I have met. Their insights fascinate me. Their life stories are thrilling (as an all women group, it isn't long before the sharing begins). Without book group, my life would be all the poorer.

New bake ware.

From Lidl. Silicone moulds for making baby Bundts, big Bundts, chocolates, muffins and Christmassy shapes galore. Literally in seventh heaven, especially as I am determined to make home-made gifts this year. No more mad dash through the high street for me. Probably.

Olly made jam tarts. Almost all by himself. I love baking with the children. It doesn't matter about 'Bake Off' refinements. Some left over pastry, a blob of jam, and enjoying the moment.


It struck me this morning how grown up he has become. He made a cooking station in my bedroom out of two up-turned toy boxes, and had a fab time making tea and cakes for me and Nanny. His general chatter is easier to understand and we can have full on conversations. He makes jokes, likes to make me laugh by twirling and making rude noises (I'm easily pleased when it comes to any form of entertainment). He no longer uses the buggy, sits up at the table to eat his meals and uses the potty. He can undress himself and put on his own shoes. He has gone from this:

to this

while my back was turned. 

The garden.

It's official. I am a paragon of garden sluttery. No way am I venturing out there - other than to pick up palm leaves - in this weather. I still haven't planted the bulbs. The weather has put me off. It all looks a bit grim to be honest.

Or so I thought.........

I wandered out late this afternoon to 'clear up' after Honey. I had to go fetch the camera to testify that there is still some general loveliness in my little plot. Next year the plan is to have this everywhere.

And there you have it. There's lots more, but look at the time! The rain is still out there, the boys are in bed. That's where I want to be too. Night night. xx 

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